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July 22, 2022

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Reading along with us in Jeremiah? Here’s today’s reading:

Jeremiah 2 (NIV)

Israel Forsakes God
1 The word of the Lord came to me: 2“Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem:
“This is what the Lord says:
“ ‘I remember the devotion of your youth,
how as a bride you loved me
and followed me through the wilderness,
through a land not sown.
3 Israel was holy to the Lord,
the first fruits of his harvest;
all who devoured her were held guilty,
and disaster overtook them,’ ”
declares the Lord............Continue Reading

Next: Jeremiah 3

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This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Jeremiah exposes the apostasy and wickedness of the people with several colorful figures of speech. My favorite so far is the wild donkey with his nose in the wind ready to chase the next wind ignoring the Lord. The challenge for us too is to remain faithful and appoint the Lord to his rightful place.

  2. Jeremiah describes the disobedience of the people in light of their original faithfulness but clearly describes the descent into false worship. And the saddest statements are when God says you didn’t even wonder where I was and have completely forgotten about me after God had done so much for them. And then as God describes how bad they have been, there response is, we’re not that bad. You have no right to bring accusation against us. How deceived and prideful that is. How far they fell to follow foreign gods and treat things they have made as if they can actually help or save them. How sad to forsake God and then seek for so many things to replace Him and not head the prophets call to return. They are full of self justification and rebellion. What a negative example they set for us. May we do the exact opposite….

  3. Ouch! God’s words here are so descriptive here, revealing the true nature of these disobedient people. They are blind to their own hypocrisy and pride and He reminds them of all of it in these simple yet eye opening pictures.
    22Although you wash yourself with soap
    and use an abundance of cleansing powder,
    the stain of your guilt is still before me,”
    He always knows our heart no matter how we think we are disguising our own disobedience!

  4. God makes His case against Israel and they lie bold-faced to Him!

    “As the thief is ashamed when he is found out,
    So is the house of Israel ashamed;
    They and their kings and their princes, and their priests and their prophets,
    Saying to a tree, ‘You are my father,’
    And to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’
    For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face.
    But in the time of their trouble
    They will say, ‘Arise and save us.’
    But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves?
    Let them arise,
    If they can save you in the time of yourtrouble;
    For according to the number of your cities
    Are your gods, O Judah.”

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