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June 16, 2022

Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.

Reading along with us in 2 Chronicles? Here’s today’s reading:

2 Chronicles 13 (NIV)

Abijah King of Judah
1 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam, Abijah became king of Judah, 2 and he reigned in Jerusalem three years. His mother’s name was Maakah, a daughter of Uriel of Gibeah.
There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam. 3 Abijah went into battle with an army of four hundred thousand able fighting men, and Jeroboam drew up a battle line against him with eight hundred thousand able troops............Continue Reading
This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. John 14:20. You will realize that I am in my Father. And you are in me and I am in you!!!! John 15:15. I no longer call you servants. Because a servant does not know his masters business Instead I call you friends!!!!!

  2. Oh the mighty things that can happen when we follow the Lord. Abijah was obedient to the things of God and He gave Judah victory!

    1. They were even told not to fight that they would not succeed.
      The priest blew their trumpets! They cried out and shouted to the Lord for mercy Juda depended on the Lord God of their fathers, beat Israel and chased King Jeroboams captured some of the cities and chased their troops. The King Jeroboam never regained his powers during Abjia lifetime and the lord struck him dead.
      Then Abijah King ofJuda became very strong.
      I think we do the same thing. The Lord makes it clear what not to do but in our worldly flesh we do it anyway. Then wonder what went wrong. I am trying to get better by consulting with God before starting my day. If not at the end of the day I am left with asking for forgiveness.

  3. First I was struck by how large the armies of Israel and Judah was. Particularly Judah who was 2 and half tribes (Judah, Benjamin and a bunch of Levites) while Israel had 9 1/2 tribes. Second we see that Abijah knew his history and the word of God. It is a kindness that he warns Israel even as he expresses great confidence in God that He will grant Judah victory. Obedience can generate that confidence, we just need to make sure it doesn’t lead to pride and us being judgmental. And so victory comes to Judah and Abijah and defeat comes to Israel and Jeroboam. It is supposed to be a clear indicator of where God’s favor lies because the winner is following Him. May God’s favor be on us for the same reason.

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