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April 29, 2023

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Reading along with us in Revelation? Here’s today’s reading:

Revelation 5 (NIV)

The Scroll and the Lamb
1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it............Continue Reading

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  1. There is a book in the right of the one on the throne. It is a book with seven seals which no one is worthy to open. One of the elders tells John to not weep. Their is one that can open and read the book. The description is of Jesus. The Lion of Judah, a Lamb that was slain, the root of David. Praise God he is worthy/ Here he is pictured having seven horns, and the seven spirits, and seven eyes. The four beasts [KJV ] or creatures [ NIV ] along with the 24 elders fall down before the Lamb with harps and the prayers of the saints. They sing a new song for He is worthy and redeemed them to God by His blood. Only these could sing this song for they were redeemed not the angels. Although the angels do other singing. [ verses 11–12 ]. The number being 10 thousand times 10 thousand and thousands of thousands.

  2. Chapter 4. John is given a glimpse into the throne of God he will never be the same after this vision. In the spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one giving him this vision 24 elders dressed in white. All the believers past and present. Maybe symbolism of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles and all those that followed and believed? Didn’t know they had glass and crystal 2000 years ago. Did John actually see animals or the power and majesty of God symbolic with these animals. Holy holy holy. Lord God almighty. Verse 11 the chapter is summed up in this verse as all people in heaven and earth will praise and honor God. The creator and sustainer of all things past present and future

    1. There are many that subscribe to the idea that these 24 elders are or represent the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles….the old and the new glorifying the one who planned it all. And I think John is seeing everything that is described in the book, just as he describes it….what those things specifically represent is often conjecture…without specific direction from the text it is difficult to say absolutely what things mean. The best connections are Biblical ones naturally but we need to be careful of being too dogmatic because very little effects the true substance of our faith. The substance of our faith is found in those passages of scripture that are far more clear.

  3. Chapter 5. The lion of Judah worthy to open the scroll the future of all the world. Jesus is worthy by dying on the cross conquering. Sin death. Hell. satan The lamb has won all those enemies. And as the lion of Judah will return conclude the last battle against God. All tribes and nations have been bought by the blood of Christ. And we are priest made to serve our God. My mother prayed earnestly for one of her sons to become a priest. Prayers answered

  4. What an absolutely glorious and dramatic scene presented here. This powerful, exalted One who sits on the throne and is the focus of attention of all this activity and praise now has a scroll in His hand that on some level becomes the center of attention. It is incredibly significant because of whose hand it is in and contains important information that needs to be revealed but it has seals on it (very common in that day that identified the sender and made sure only the one who was supposed to open it, did). The significance of the scroll is highlighted all the more by the fact that no one is found who can open it. Now that becomes the focus of the scene and is accented by the fact that John cries…John is just observing what is happening but is struck by the glory of this being who has a scroll that needs to be revealed and therefore how tragic that no one can be found to open it. But then relief…someone can open it..the lion of the tribe of Judah, root of David….we’ve heard those before…..the promised one, the ruling one, the one who would consummate and complete all that God sought to bring together in His plan for the earth.

    But then we see a lamb, a slain lamb…interesting that a lion in God’s economy of mercy is actually a lamb. It is power expressed through humility and sacrifice. Horns and eyes usually represent authority and insight that this slain lamb has. And all that He is and all that He has accomplished in Him being slain is expressed in Him being the One who goes to the highly exalted one and takes the scroll out of His hand. That act either brings punishment or praise. But He has taken it because He is the One who can open it…and therefore the lamb is exalted because He is doing what no one could and He is satisfying the will of Him that is on the throne to open this amazing scroll! And now the praise and worship of this setting is focused on the slain lamb. And yet the praise becomes even greater because thousands upon thousands of angels sing praise to the Lambs accomplishments and being. And if that wasn’t enough, every creature and person in heaven and earth and under the earth praises the Lamb and the One on the throne. The focus is on them..and also this scroll and what it contains. And the One on the throne is exalted because it is His scroll and the lambs is exalted because He is the One who can open it and reveal it’s content. AMAZING!!!!

    1. Pastor plays the video of the west coast baptist college choir sometimes. The song they sing is a picture of Rev 5, word for word in some places

      Rev 5 is the calm before the storm and a beautiful picture of heaven

  5. A powerful picture of the Lamb who was slain doing something no one else could do by breaking the seal of this scroll. Much like His role here on earth to do the work no one could do on their own Jesus saves through His humble sacrifice.
    I am struck in these chapters by the constant and consistent praise of God. I love corporate worship here on earth when people come together in agreement and thanksgiving and praise of God and to be able to hear this must be so overwhelming and awesome!

  6. Revelation 5 is still a continued glimpse into Heaven. There is only one worthy to open the scrolls and that is Jesus he is described as a lion and a lamb in this chapter depicting his humility as a lamb who was slain to save men. I love the description of the golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints, all of our prayers are in those bowls, pretty cool picture of where our prayers go!

  7. Jesus Christ is worthy to open the scrolls because he was slain and with his blood he purchased for God every person on earth who believes. And every creature in heaven and on earth proclaims the Lamb to be worthy of praise, honor, glory, wisdom, and strength forever and ever, Amen! What a scene that must have been to watch, pretty awesome!

  8. You are worthy to take the scroll,
    And to open its seals;
    For You were slain,
    And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
    Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
    And have made us kings and priests to our God;
    And we shall reign on the earth.”

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