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September 23, 2021

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Reading along with us in some selections from Psalms and Proverbs? Here’s today’s reading:

Psalms 27-28 (NIV)

Of David.
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
2When the wicked advance against me
to devour me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident.........Continue Reading

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This Post Has 8 Comments
  1. 7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
    This verse is so powerful to me because when we truly trust in Him and believe that He provides us strength, wisdom, power to face good times and bad there is such joy! A joy that believe without God search for in so many places and so many paths that lead to nothing but heartbreak. It is when we give it all to God that He fills us with peace and joy!

  2. Both psalms today are great advise and encouragement for those experiencing troubles and all believers. “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
    The trust David shows in these two psalms is inspiring.

  3. Psalm 27. Great verses. Vs 1. Awesome. Whom or what shall we fear. No one or nothing. The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Love studying Daniel on Wednesday night study. Can’t shake this guy. Up against incredible odds. The lord is his stronghold. Vs 5. Great verse for the past few years!! Last verse. Wait for the lord. He will take you into the promised land!!

  4. Psalms 27-28 whom say I fear, when we have the Lord in the center of our lives , we have to put our trust and faith in him and there will be no fear!

  5. With God on our side, we really can face everything and cast aside all fear. How privileged we are to be related to Him in such a way that we can trust Him to act on our behalf and supply for our needs. He is available and always hears us when we call. Even when He seems to be absent and not acting in the way that we might expect, we can know that He is with us and is working to accomplish His plans for us. May we learn to trust Him for the stuff of life and obey Him in the way that His faithfulness and love for us warrants!

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