March 26, 2025
Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.
Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Lent 2025 – Day 6 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Week Jesus Dies
Read Sections 5.6 through 5.8 (pages 138-140)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
Can’t imagine Jesus own words speaking these 3 parables against his own chosen people. Surprised God stuck with them through the years. Stubborn obstinate people. But don’t we have loved ones like this?
And aren’t we a little bit like that too???
Lent Day 6
Many people are invited to come to Heaven where God has prepared a wonderful eternal life but he said few are chosen. Instead we go about our business with no thought of how we offend God.
Lent 2025 – Day 6
Lent 5.6-5.8
It is sad that as the Pharisees and priests heard these stories, in particular the wicked farmers, they understood what Jesus was teaching but rather than seeing the error of their ways and choosing to repent, instead they only got more angry and plotted to kill Him. Their pride did not leave room for correction and also prevented them from entering a relationship with Christ. So many people hear the good news and choose to ignore it, reject it, or even oppose it. We are all invited to be in relationship with God, but sadly like the story of the wedding feast, so many choose not to come.
Jesus didn`t have good things to say about Pharisees and priests. They were to have studied the written word at that time and to teach the people of Israel what it said. But they were blind to much of what the Bible said. Maybe chosen ignorance of what the scripture said about the Lamb of God in the Old Testament. Instead, they focused on the law and keeping it and also adding other laws which actually put the people more in bondage to the law without any hope. The people could therefore only look to the Messiah`s coming as conquering King. This was probably why Jesus was so hard on the Pharisees, priests, and teachers of the law. They led the people astray. Even when the truth was revealed to these religious leaders, they refused to believe and instead made it hard for people to believe. They sought out to kill Jesus and silence those that believed. Even thinking about killing Lazarus after Jesus rose him from the dead. The evidence was very clear about who Jesus was. He did many miracles, healings, and rose some from the dead, and cast out demons. Yet not believing but staying in their pride. This is why people who can`t acknowledge their own sins or think that they can earn their way to Heaven by their own self- righteousness will not be saved. It is people who know they are sinners and know that they can never be good enough to get to Heaven are the ones who see their need for a Savior. For no one can ever be good enough. That`s why Christ is the only answer to someone being saved. Thank you, Jesus for saving my soul.
Lent Day 6
Day 6 5.5-5.8
Three stories shared here by Jesus to show the Pharisees and Jewish leaders the history of the Jewish people’s rejection of God’s prophets, and now constant with that, their rejection of the Son. How could they not see that they were doing to Jesus what the Jews had done with many who represented God amongst them. And even recognizing the tax collectors and sinners have gotten the point. Yet, rather than be glad that they came to John the Baptist and Jesus and their lives were changing, they rejected them and now looked for ways to stop Jesus from teaching, eventually leading to them just killing Him.
I feel like these three stories further demonstrate that there is a difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God and that Jesus came to offer the kingdom of heaven (the physical kingdom promised to the Jews) but the Jewish leaders rejected Him.
The story of the two sons directly confronts their disobedience and how sinners will get into the kingdom before them, because they refused to believe what John told them.
The second story, again Jesus tells them that Gods kingdom will be taken away from them and the leading priests and Pharisees want to arrest Him.
In the third story tells is a wedding feast where the invited guests (the Jews) fail to attend so the king invites people from the streets. I believe Jesus is the “right clothing” required to attend.
Everyone is invited to the wedding banquet in the Kingdom of God but those people who don’t respond will not be let in and they will regret it for all eternity. The gift of salvation is given to us for free, and all we need to do is accept it.
Lent 2025 – Day 6