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September 13, 2022

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Reading along with us in Lamentations? Here’s today’s reading:

Lamentations 3 (NIV)

1 I am the man who has seen affliction
by the rod of the Lord’s wrath.
2 He has driven me away and made me walk
in darkness rather than light;
3 indeed, he has turned his hand against me
again and again, all day long.
4 He has made my skin and my flesh grow old
and has broken my bones...............Continue Reading

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This Post Has 8 Comments
  1. Such a personal reflection on how Jeremiah internalized God’s dealing with him and what he went through as he ministered to the people in the context of their decline and God’s judgement. He felt pressed in by God and forsaken by Him. He went through emotional, mental and physical suffering because of it. And the people were opposed to him constantly. And yet in that context he chose to call to mind all the truth that he knew about God. He remembered that God’s compassion never fails, that they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. There is always comfort and consolation in Him and from Him. And yet, His judgment on the people are right before Jeremiah and it is hard to see. And it is hard to represent God in that context because he was attacked because of it. But God sees and is there to be our defender and protector. Oh the challenges to be God’s representative to a fallen people!

  2. It is difficult to consider that even in the prophet’s obedience he suffered greatly.
    It is hard not to think that our suffering is because of something we have done wrong, rather than something we have done right. Jesus did say that we must share in His sufferings, even as we will share in His glory.

    “My soul still remembers
    And sinks within me.
    This I recall to my mind,
    Therefore I have hope.

    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.
    “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “Therefore I hope in Him!”

    The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
    To the soul who seeks Him.
    It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
    For the salvation of the Lord.
    It is good for a man to bear
    The yoke in his youth.

  3. Jeremiah truly faced such heartache, pain, and suffering for doing what God called him to do and while you feel the weight of that in this chapter it is balance so well with the hope he has in God. we may suffer here on earth but He is always with us and we need to learn that that brings us the comfort not the end of the trial.

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