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July 6, 2024

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Reading along with us in Exodus and Romans? Here’s today’s reading:

Exodus 15 (NIV)

The Song of Moses and Miriam
1 Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord:
“I will sing to the Lord,
for he is highly exalted.
Both horse and driver
he has hurled into the sea.……Continue Reading

Next: Exodus 16

Back: Romans 5

This Post Has 10 Comments
  1. The people of Israel believed after God brought them through the Rea Sea on dry ground and destroyed the Egyptian army including their chariots and horses. Moses sings a song of triumph over Egypt and sings the praises to God. His sister { Miriam} who is a prophetess joins in with singing and use of the timbrel in her hand. All the women joined in with timbrels and dance. The rest of Israel probably sang along. Such faith here after seeing God do His mighty works. They are on a mountain top high with their emotions right now. But what will happen when things don`t go right? Will they fail their test of faith? As we see in this same chapter. It has been only three days and Israel is already complaining of not having water. Then they arrive at the waters of Mariah. We don`t know if it was more days or not. The waters at Mariah were bitter and unable to drink. The people again complained against Moses. So God instructs Moses to throw in a tree and by doing this will make the water safe to drink. Another miracle and test by God. The people get their water to drink. Then they are reminded to obey and trust God. Then they came to Elim where they had twelve wells of water and many palm trees. I wonder how much farther it was from Mariah to Elim. It seems like a short distance. God was bringing them to a place of provision; if only they had waited and not complained. Why are we so quick to complain when things don`t go our way or God doesn`t answer our requests right away? It is because of our sinful nature. If only we would learn to trust God fully in everything in our lives. That means giving God the control in our lives and not ourselves. God bless.

  2. The first song ever!! Maybe. What a gift music is. How one song can change your attitude. Mariam Aaron’s sister joins in with tambourine and dancing. Love that name. Special building in providence for me. Interesting what the lord tells his people at the end of this chapter. Keep my laws and I will keep you from disease. Makes you wonder if man had kept Gods laws. What we might have today. But I certainly would add. To say that sin led you to be sick is a very slippery slope for man to judge

  3. ”You will bring them in and plant them In the mountain of Your inheritance, In the place, O Lord, which You have made For Your own dwelling, The sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established. “The Lord shall reign forever and ever.”“
    ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭15‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  4. 11 Who among the gods is like you, Lord?
    Who is like you—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
    No one is like Him! and rightfully so they are praising Him for this amazing rescue He had provided them in the Red Sea. To see you enemies in pursuit of you in a desperate situation and God just swallows them up into the sea. Miraculous, amazing, and obvious reaction to praise!
    Unfortunately, like many of us, the dust settles and the first bump in the road emerges and there it is, complaining and doubt. Fear that He can’t do what you need/want Him to do even in face aftermath of such a tremendous, miraculous thing. It is crazy how He puts up with us!

  5. Praise is such a fitting response recognizing all that God is and all that He does. The Israelites had seen God do an amazing thing destroying Egypt in the way that He did. He turned the dynamic of earthly power on its head and gave victory to the side that had no instruments of battle and defeated the one that had everything going for it. How mighty is He and He is to be exalted and trusted. It is interesting how Mose does move from what God did to the Egyptians to what He will do in Canaan. And so praise for what He has done should translate to faith it what He will do. Because the great God of the past will always be great in the things we face. And how fitting for singing to turn to dancing and others joining in the song. How unfortunate that when the Israelites faced issues with water they didn’t go before God and say, “Hey, God, how are you going to solve this one? We trust You will work in the way that You see fit and we will wait for the way You will resolve the problem that You know we have and You know what we need.” He is worthy of that kind of confidence and peace in our hearts.

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