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July 7, 2024

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Reading along with us in Exodus and Romans? Here’s today’s reading:

Exodus 16 (NIV)

Manna and Quail
1 The whole Israelite community set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had come out of Egypt. 2 In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron.……Continue Reading

Next: Romans 6

Back: Exodus 15

This Post Has 12 Comments
  1. We really are the worst! LOL God is so patient and kind despite how we behave. I realize fear is a powerful thing in our hearts and minds and makes us go to a bad place, however, after what these people have just witnessed in their escape from Egypt; their protection through the plagues, the provisions for them, and their ultimate rescue at the Red Sea still they do not trust. They grumble to Moses and Aaron, their reaction is not to just stop, trust, and pray to God. Still God provides! I don’t assume I would be better in this situation, I know my own tendancy to forget my way and panic in situations, to try to take the wheel, or seek answers in man rather than God. I guess you read chapters like this frustrated with them and then convicted by your own shortcomings.
    Lord help me to trust when I am afraid, to have faith when I don’t understand, and to be still and listen for You when I can’t see the way out!

  2. Again the people are complaining. It is now the second month on the fifteenth day after they have left Egypt. Now they are complaining about not having food to eat. Yet God continues to show He love and patience toward them. And He gives them what they want in the form of quails at even and mana in the morning. But He is testing them to see if they will follow His commands completely. They are to gather only on six days and on the seventh day not gather for it is a sabbath rest. The sixth day they were gather twice as much. Again they fail fully to obey His commands. It also says that Israel would eat mana for 40 years. Check our own hearts. God bless.

  3. ”And in the morning you shall see the glory of the Lord; for He hears your complaints against the Lord. But what are we, that you complain against us?” Also Moses said, “This shall be seen when the Lord gives you meat to eat in the evening, and in the morning bread to the full; for the Lord hears your complaints which you make against Him. And what are we? Your complaints are not against us but against the Lord.”“
    ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭16‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    I have so many thoughts about this. What is the difference between asking, praying or complaining? I think I complain to the Lord. 😕 also, not having manna, how much do we just rely on the Lord and how much do we work for that provision? How much do we prep or prepare for the future? Retirement, investment, emergency food and water, or is that a lack of faith? I suppose it’s a both/and. We have an insurance default in our culture….house, car, health, but what is it costing us?

    1. I think the difference between complaining and praying is the state of our hearts and whethering we are trusting God to provide. Complaining is seeing our need, believing God either doesn’t care, notice or isn’t able, so I am just complaining about my condition. Prayer is believing God does care and is able, but asking God to act where we can not, or bless the efforts that we take. And there is a balance throughout Scripture, explicitly and implicitly, between human effort and God’s effort. He calls us to do certain things but then asks us to trust Him in everything, both for the things we do and can’t do. It is in getting to know the Word and Him that will help us find that balance and assess our own hearts.

  4. Isn’t it interesting how when we think negatively we can redefine the events of the past to make them look so good in comparison to what we are complaining about in the present. How important it is for us to define the past, present and future accurately and let God’s perspective be the thing that defines it for us. And yet how faithful God is to provide for the Israelites in spite of their complaining. He is a gracious God and provides what they need but with very little human effort. All they need to do is follow the directions. And yet human nature comes out to gather more than necessary or not gather enough on day 6….or. just being greedy on day 7. And how clearly miraculous the provision of this food is in an arid land. And even more miraculous is surplus gathering rots on day 1-5, but doesn’t rot on day 6. Just a further example that all the laws and dynamics of biology, chemistry, physics, etc, are in God’s hand and He can do whatever He wants whenever He wants it. We are wise to follow His lead…

  5. Complaining of our circumstances to have immediate cures. Not God’s way. Certainly seems God will allow us to see the finish line. And then move the tape further away. To the testing of our faith. To not give in to a quick fix and to rely on the power of God. My close friend Mike said yesterday, Please pull the plug. Don’t want to live anymore. But let’s pray and see the power of God work in many peoples lives. Roman’s 6. Can only think of living 30 years under the law. And I could not defeat sin. It ruled my life. Now the spirit is for me to tap in to the power of God that lives within me. Now I have the power to defeat sin. The law was weak. The spirit is power. It’s still my choice to give into sin or to obey. Reminded of dueteronomy 30. Choose life. The world is spinning out of control and the answer is right under our nose.

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