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January 4, 2023

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Reading along with us in selections from 1 Corinthians? Here’s today’s reading:

1 Corinthians 14 (NIV)

Intelligibility in Worship
1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. 2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. 3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 4 Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church...........Continue Reading
This Post Has 12 Comments
  1. I grew up in a church that exercised the gift of tongues during church services. I now understand it to be your own personal communication with God and completely understand Paul’s discouraging of using it in a church setting. It is a gift that can be gravely misused and misunderstood and it’s personal nature lends itself to be used outside of a church context.
    Prophecy was also used in the church I grew up in and my concern was always true interpretation of the words God is sharing through someone else. Again a gift I believe to be very real and powerful but also easily misused and misunderstood when not properly exercised and interpreted. These gifts and language itself is representative of the amazing power of God and the vast knowledge that comes from Him and it reminds us just how finite our thinking and comprehension can be.

  2. Everyone benefits with prophecy. Prophecy builds up the church whereas tongues unless interpreted does not instruct others or build up. It’s not to be forbidden but must be interpreted. If not it may sound very strange to the unbeliever and the whole idea is to bring people to Christ, not to confuse and scare them away. Conduct prophecy and exaltation thru prayer, singing, praising and giving thanks with spirit AND mind. Building the church up is the biggest priority.
    Last several verses ….women being disgraceful to speak in the church. Maybe during that time in history? All thoughts on this would be appreciated. How does this apply today?

  3. Never forget attending a church in north providence 30 people all praying in tongues at the same time. Remember thinking to myself. What a waste of time. Or attending a church that tells people unless you speak in tongues you have not been slain in the spirit. All about spiritual power and spiritual ego. Still goes on in a lot of churches. The better you are in praying in tongues the more spiritual you are. It’s a gift. And it’s the last gift mentioned. And it must be interpreted and one at a time. Nor more than three. Questioned one person years ago. No one interpreted. Told me he had that gift also. Oh boy! Seek after the greater gifts!

  4. Anyone who has experienced various people speaking in tongues at the same time with no one interpreting can understand what Paul is addressing here as he seeks to bring more order and benefit to the assembling of the saints. Anything that is subjective in nature should be approached with caution but when handled correctly can accomplish God’s purposes. We are certainly benefitted by having the whole of Scripture to rely on, making us less dependent on subjective revelation from God in the context of a worship service. Instruction and edification are central to what is needed and so clarity and order must prevail. I don’t believe any of the gifts are closed to us for God to use, but there relative necessity is less. And I believe Paul maintaining order in the service is his goal in the last verses of the chapter as well. Woman at that time were more commonly uneducated and often would not be allowed to learn in the way men would. Judaism and Christianity did a lot in advancing the rights of women. So in that time it seems from Paul’s instruction, that woman were disrupting the services with questions they had. So therefore Paul’s instruction here is specific to that context, but would also include any element or persons who would disrupt things and compromise the learning that was to be done.

    1. I appreciate Ptr. Peter’s explanation of the contextualization of Paul asking women to be silent..

  5. I like how the purpose of these gifts is for the building up and edification of the church. We should always be mindful of our actions in church and ask ourselves, “does this build up or does it split apart?”

  6. A nice thing about the little booklet, Steve and I started reading it together every day and now it has morphed into reading the daily reading together! Nice coffee time. 😀

    I have been talking with a friend lately who has the gift of prophesy (well, her husband does) and there is no opportunity for prophesy in their church, everything is very structured. I sometimes think that our church should have more opportunity for that, but I’m not sure when or how. I think that when we share testimonies or pray out loud during certain services, that is actually an opportunity…after we see how God has worked. It is a “fuzzy” gift. I occasionally have a prophesy, but usually in prayer – ie: praying for a specific outcome that I feel God is leading me to pray for which then comes about just as specifically.

  7. I also went to a church that spoke in tongues with no interpretation. Actually invited friends to come to the church. They must have thought me to be insane. I have repented since then but I really thought this was great. Church never grew. I wonder why. lol

  8. Prophesying, or speaking to people to strengthen, encourage and comfort people is more important than speaking in tongues. This makes perfect sense to me unless someone can interpret the tongue. And God wants order in the church, so one person speaks at a time to promote peace amongst the believers. Otherwise, there could be a lot of disorder, chaos and confusion if people are speaking in tongues, interpreting and prophesying at the same time.

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