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April 29, 2022

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Reading along with us in 1 Chronicles? Here’s today’s reading:

1 Chronicles 12 (NIV)

Warriors Join David
1 These were the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was banished from the presence of Saul son of Kish (they were among the warriors who helped him in battle; 2 they were armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed; they were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin)........Continue Reading
This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. I admire the loyalty and devotion of a true soldier. Someone willing to put their own life in harms way and face even potential death in service to king and country. It takes a special person to be able to do that. These men pledged to stand by David, fight for David passionately and completely.
    I suppose there is a lesson there for us that we are to be like these soldiers but soldiers for Christ willing to put our life on the line for our King, willing to risk everything for the advancement of His kingdom here on earth and for eternity!

  2. I was thinking again about things that have lost their value in our culture. Marriage, family, children…and men as warriors, soldiers and leaders. All I could think when reading this is that people would label these warriors who are skilled with sword and bow as “toxic”. War is a horrible thing, but I fear that our men are not prepared for it and that this is “by design” by our enemies.

  3. When you consider the good heart of David and the jealous heart of Saul, as well as God’s hand being on David and taken away from Saul, it is no wonder that people would defect from Saul to David’s side. This is particularly impressive in a monarchy where people didn’t cast votes, but these men here are casting a vote in a more significant way. But good leadership does draw people to it and poor leadership drives people away. This is what we see happening in this chapter. Leaders on all levels can learn a lesson from this. We never are to be people pleasers but people will be pleased when we are honest, pure, forthright, fair, have more of their interests then our own in mind and do as much if not more then they do.

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