August 9, 2023
Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.
Reading along with us in selections from Psalms? Here’s today’s reading:
Psalms 123-125 (NIV)
A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to you,
to you who sit enthroned in heaven.
2 As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master,
as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress,…..Continue Reading
Despite being ridiculed all we have to do is look up to the one true God for mercy and comfort. He is our refuge.
The Psalmest starts off in this Psalm looking upon the Lord. [ Unto thee lift I up mine eyes.-] He is calling for the Lord`s mercy for those who are at ease and proud think they are better than him. He latter says about the Lord. [ Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.] Psalm 124;6. The Lord is our help. [v8] Then in Psalm 125 he says that those who trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be moved, and abideth forever. [ v 1 ] In verse 4 he talks directly to the Lord. [ Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts. ] We don`t know His ways for we are limited in our knowledge. On the other hand He knows everything from beginning to end in all of our lives. We only need to fully trust Him and surrender everything in our lives to Him. Sometimes we encounter know it alls but something that I have found in recent years is that know it alls don`t know half of what they think they do. My father and brother were and are know it alls. Only God knows everything. My brother is still a know it all but at least he came to Christ years ago and realized that he needed Jesus and that his little brother did know something. My prayer for David is that he would live for Christ. He is very knowledgeable about scriptures and other things and does pray but really doesn`t live for Christ. I think his pride prevents him from serving Christ. For to submit our wills to at first come to the Lord and then submit our wills and lives to serve Him are the keys to following Jesus. He wants us to have a humble spirit. This is why I served in Awana last year as a cubbie teacher. The Lord wants us to be serving Him and using our gifts. It should not be about us but about the Lord. I would like to come back to teach Awana cubbies again this year. I enjoy teaching these little children about Jesus and last year was my first with Awana with this church. They didn`t really know me at first only as Ava`s grandfather. But like I said if the church needed me to teach the Sparks that would be find also. Or even switch off to the groups. I am a introvert. [reserved ] but God wants us to be serving Him. But I was active in Awana for 40 years and the Lord led me to take part in Awana. Not my will but His. I have been praying for Awana and V.B.S. Last year in Awana the workers were short handed and some had to do double duty. Because of this many workers were warn out by the end of the year. We need more workers this year so please ask the Lord what He wants you to do. There are so many services that one could do during Awana. They are teachers, helpers, refreshments, running the video during pledges and music, having people sign in at the desk, games [ usually a few people and some to help out,] crafts, some people also to keep a eye on things for safety, and perhaps some other things. Ken was the director last year so we need to keep him in prayer. We had some workers last year that couldn`t be there every week because of work. I was wondering if there are any other retired people in our church that could help out in this program. Please pray about it. Here`s a chance for you older people to show your love for Jesus to these sweet children. Some of these children may not even heard about the true and living God or Jesus. Ava my granddaughter was one of these. I am sorry for I never planned on writing about any of these things but after I started the Lord led me to share. Our children and grandchildren are being brainwashed in public schools and we need to teach our children to be critical thinkers and to love the Lord. Sorry once again you can see my heart for these children. Matthew 16;24,25 [ Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. ] God bless us all.
Psalm 124:8 “I believe in the God who created heaven and earth.”
When meeting Jewish folks, I will say this, in an attempt build a bridge of commonality. It seems to be received well, and put them at ease. And we ought to reach out to Jews, for they seek Messiah now, as a first coming. I like to ask, what they might think about Messiah. One dear coworker explained, if you happened to walk along a crowded sidewalk, and bump into an old, bedraggled, homely man, that could be Messiah.
I don’t suspect many Jews actually know, or why they should know.
But we have Moses and the prophets too. I would be able to present their own passages as evidence of Messiah, and hopefully expose them to some Scripture fact that would unsettle them. We all need a Savior. The Spirit can, and will make the Word of God prosper as it pleases Him! It never returns to God void. -gy
I hope we all recognize how desperately we need God and come to know as we look to Him, we find a God who is faithful and merciful. And where would we be without Him! It will be interesting to find out what ways He has protected and defended us that we don’t even recognize, and yet how grateful we are for the ways we do recognize. With Him as our helper, defender and with Him by our side, we are strong like a mountain with Him as our firm foundation. And when we live our lives in His will we can know that He is on our side…but for those who don’t, He must show His disfavor. People who rebel against Him will not find success as He makes war against them.
Psalms 123-125
If God is for us, who can be against us? He protects us from the evil one, who attacks us from all angles attempting to hurt us exponentially. We escape because we trust in the Lord, and he is our helper. Praise God!