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August 17, 2020

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Reading along with us in Psalm? Here’s today’s reading:

Psalm 118 (ESV)
His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever!....…..Continue Reading

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This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. How great it is that God’s love endures forever! That the ruler of the heavens, the One with power and authority, commits Himself to us and says my love for you will never end. And then as we live life, He promises to stand by our side and be our protector, guide and hope. Help on the battlefield is a little different than life in a noncombat situation, but we have enemies as well. We have situations that overwhelm us and God is still a place to take refuge in, whenever we need a place of safety and security. Yes it is better to take refuge in God than in man regardless of his or her authority. What a relief and a time of resounding praise when you think you are going to die and then by God’s hand you are kept safe and live. When the Lord saves and lifts us up it truly is marvelous in our eyes and He is to be exalted.

    Every day is a day that the Lord has made and we can rejoice and be glad in it. What an awesome assurance for every day of our lives. We can know every day is filled with God’s purpose, provision and presence and we can live life expectantly to discover how we would live on His behalf, representing Him on this earth and receiving from Him all the things He would give us to make that possible! Oh yes, give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endure forever!!!

  2. Firstly so many great praise songs have originated from this one chapter!!
    Next is the use of FOREVER again and again! So exciting to know there is so much more God has for us than this fleeting life!

    6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.
    What can man do to me?
    7 The Lord is on my side as my helper;
    I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

    Such victory and freedom in trusting my life in Him. As He cares for nature that does not worry and stress about the things of this world I should place that same trust in Him as He is caring for me as well. My cornerstone that my life shall be built on!

  3. 28You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
    you are my God; I will extol you.
    29 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    for his steadfast love endures forever!

  4. It is better to trust in the Lord
    Than to put confidence in man.
    It is better to trust in the Lord
    Than to put confidence in princes.

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