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June 13, 2024

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Reading along with us in selections from Psalms and Proverbs? Here’s today’s reading:

Proverbs 2 (NIV)

Moral Benefits of Wisdom
1 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding—……Continue Reading

Next: Matthew 26

Back: Psalms 10-12

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  1. Proverbs 2:
    Verses 1, 4 and 5…we must receive the Word…not push back against it or make it say something it does not clearly say. We must treasure up God’s commandments in our hearts.

    And what’s more than that…we must seek it out and search for it…an active pursuit of God’s wisdom through diligent consumption and application of His Word.

    It is then that we will understand the fear of the Lord, which we know is the beginning of wisdom…and it is then we can come to the knowledge of God. And if we have come to know and love God…we will be doers of His Word. James 1:22 and John 14:31.

  2. God desires that we ask for wisdom. This is wisdom from Him, and not the wisdom of the world. He in this passage and many others requests that we ask Him for it and then He will give it to us. He not only wants us to ask for it but to get into the word of God. He always speaks the truth and is always faithful. In all of this; He is the One to be glorified. He doesn`t want any believer to be puffed up with knowledge but to only give Him the glory. This is why God allowed the Apostle Paul to have a thorn in his flesh. 2 Cor. 12: 7-10; 1 Cor. 2:14 { But the natural man receiveth, not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.} 1 Cor. 3: 19 { For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.—–} We also know that unbelievers think that we are foolish because we pray and trust God and desire to follow Him putting Him first. Remember when we speak to others about Christ; we need to keep in mind that they don`t have that spiritual discernment. We are to be gracious with our speech and show kindness, patience, and love to them. Don`t get frustrated by their lack of understanding or their trying to put you down but keep in mind that they are probably insecure or even think that they know better than you. Keep in mind who you represent { The Lord Jesus Christ.} Remember also that Jesus just wants us to plant the seed of salvation in Christ to the person and that it is Him that draws people to Himself. Getting back to our earlier point; whenever I open the word of God I Always ask Jesus to give me wisdom to understand His word and to teach me in it. When I was brought to Christ; I was discipled by another believer that taught me that I should ask for God`s wisdom. God does answer that prayer. May we all continue to read and study God`s word asking for His wisdom not only in understanding but applying it to our lives.

  3. How important it is for us to be wise, to be able to differentiate between right and wrong and be able to make right decisions. There is so much balance in life where it is often wrong to be on one extreme or another, but wisdom keeps us centered in God’s will. Naturally God is the only right source of wisdom and so we must pursue Him and it with great intentionality. Consistent time in God’s word and dependence on God’s Spirit is the way to acquire it. And that will then protect us from the influence of evil in our own hearts and in those around us. We certainly see the deception in the world and the broken lives that come from it. How privileged we are to have the truth and be free from all the damage that evil brings.

  4. This chapter made me think about the old saying “knowledge is power” The more we know God’s words, the more it is truly written on our hearts the more power of the Holy Spirit we have to resist temptation, to make right decisions, and to follow God’s path for our lives.

  5. Wisdom is more precious than pure gold. When we have it, we can be successful in our endeavors, we are shielded, guarded and protected by the Lord, and we understand what is right and just and fair – every good path. Priceless!

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