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January 29, 2021

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Reading along with us in Matthew? Here’s today’s reading:

Matthew 7 (NIV)

Judging Others
1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you...........Continue Reading

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This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Simple truths….
    Don’t judge unless you are perfect
    Ask and He will give
    Follow the crowd and it will lead to sin
    You will know people by their fruits not their double talk
    Anything must be built on a firm foundation
    And we only get to Heaven through Jesus!

    Great chapter and like Amy said in a previous comment a reminder that living these ways is all possible through Christ!

  2. Jesus talked in Chapter 6 about living righteously before God, now He addresses another heart issue, self-righteousness! We might think we are doing good – fasting, praying, serving and not “tooting our own horn”, but then we begin to judge other people! I have always been baffled by the “pearls before swine” verses, but enduringword made sense. It isn’t telling you to reserve judgement or to cast away all discernment, but rather, examine yourself closely and dust off your brother gently after removing your own log.

    I think much of this chapter is defining hypocrisy:
    saying one thing and doing another.
    Walking on the broad path.
    Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
    Bearing bad fruit.
    Saying “Lord, Lord” but not really knowing God. Practicing lawlessness.
    Hearing Jesus’ words, but not doing them.

    I feel like we are getting a VERY good taste of what hypocrisy looks like lately!

  3. Such important principles for life and where would we be and what kind of people would we become if we did not have these standards? How important it is that we would judge ourselves more than we judge other people. Self righteousness, pride and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong are all things to guard against. Now not judging doesn’t mean we don’t make proper judgements about truth, defining and deciding what is right and wrong based on God’s word. It means not having an attitude of condemnation and superiority towards others where I seek to be their judge and executioner. I know myself better and know my heart so I am far better able to make an accurate assessment of myself and correct myself and then with the humility and mercy that accurate self assessment is bound to foster, then I can go to others to help them not to put them down. The pearls before swine verse just provides the balance that when we try to help people and share the things of God and the humility that self assessment brings, we need to realize some people don’t want to be helped. So don’t sweat it.

    And how important it is as we engage with God that we understand that He has an open hand and not a closed fist. That when we ask Him for things, He wants to give it to us. And what a good reference the heart of a parent is. It is God who created that bond between parent and child and it all started with God’s heart towards us. But it is also true, that just because our child asks for something that we give it to them either. It is good that we would have the heart to give it, but we run it through the thought process of will it be helpful to them. Using our treatment of ourselves is a good reference point for all behavior in fact.

    And God’s way is a narrow way. We will not be able to look at what is popular to determine truth. We will have to look at God and His standards. And we will have to be careful of what people say and how they might have influence over us because of that. And the litmus test for whether we allow people to influence us is not what they say, but what results come from their life and instruction. The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. So let that be what we look for when we consider who we listen to and are guided by.

    And when it comes to all the things that Jesus has shared in this sermon, we are wise to build our lives upon them. It is a firm foundation for life, and the principles will weather the storms that come. And in the end it will cause us to stand and be strong, on the inside and the outside. To the praise of Him who establishes the truth and makes it possible!

  4. 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

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