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September 11, 2024

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Reading along with us in Leviticus and Ephesians? Here’s today’s reading:

Leviticus 14 (NIV)

Cleansing From Defiling Skin Diseases
1 The Lord said to Moses, 2“These are the regulations for any diseased person at the time of their ceremonial cleansing, when they are brought to the priest: 3 The priest is to go outside the camp and examine them. If they have been healed of their defiling skin disease,……Continue Reading

Next: Ephesians 3

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This Post Has 10 Comments
  1. Fitting that how to address skin diseases and mildew follows a chapter identifying them. Some curious directions are given as to different parts of the body to have blood and oil put on. I wonder how soon the priests would remember God’s instruction that they didn’t have to look at the Scriptures to know what to do for many of the tasks they are given.

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