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March 26, 2023

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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Day 16 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Week Jesus Dies 

Read Sections 5.13 through 5.16 (pages 143-149)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 12 Comments
  1. How important it is to reflect on Jesus’ words to the Pharisees and make sure we are not unintentionally (or intentionally for that matter) following their example. All the things that Jesus shares shows how deceived, prideful and self serving they were and explains on some level why they missed the truth of who Jesus was/is and were used to bring Him to death. These words also show that Jesus wasn’t concerned about winning a popularity contest or curry favor with those in power. But He had to expose them for who they were. It is interesting that He chose this time in Jerusalem to do it and one wonders wether He was greasing the wheels of God’s plan. From these words they would either choose to be corrected and be changed by them or more intentionally silence the One saying them. What great truth there is here not to look good on the outside, but be evil on the not care about people’s opinions or do things for show…or do things to further your status. God is to be the reference point of our lives..not what we can gain for ourselves. And these things are pretty clearly revealed in the next account, that it wasn’t the amount of money given that matter, but the level of sacrifice represented in the giving. Again it is what is in the heart that matters, not the outward appearance….

  2. This is why I despise legalism. The religious leaders had added so many new laws to abide by. And they considered them as important as the commandments given by God. They strangled people. But worse of all they put themselves high on a pedestal and looked down on all others and pointed fingers. There’s nothing that gets my blood boiling more In Christianity. Absolutely love how Jesus condemns the leaders for this. The greatest among you will be your servant. May we never forget that as a body of Christ. Verses 13 and on in chapter 23 of Matthew. I would have loved to have been there as Jesus exposes their whole theology. They had lost sight of God. Looking for more power. Status. And probably money. And their blindness was spreading rapidly. Jesus came at the perfect time. Sounds like he might be coming soon. Sounds very familiar. As a church may we never lose sight of this

  3. Jesus said the important things were being fair, showing mercy, and being faithful. He cares little for appearance but it is our hearts that He wants. Like the widow giving of what she could use, giving of herself fully, not just what is extra or what we wont miss, God wants our whole self!
    These religious leaders are so blind to their own sin, they become hypocrites expecting people to follow laws that they are not following themselves. We must hear the voice of our Father and like sheep recognize just that voice and not be led astray by others that claim to know God and God’s ways because times will come when our faith will be challenged and our hearts must know the difference.

  4. As Jesus watched people putting money into the Temple collection box he told His followers that rich people put in a lot of money. They gave without cost to them. But the widow gave what she had with great cost for she gave all she had. When Jesus was with Peter, Andrew, James, and John on the Mount of Olives they asked Him the time and when the Temple buildings would be destroyed. He said that in the future many will proclaim to be the Messiah. That kingdoms will fight each other. There will be stories of wars starting. Family will be against other family members. Followers of Jesus will be hated and arrested because they follow Him. Jesus desires that they remain faithful to the Lord. Jesus goes on to say that people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. He also says that no one knows the day or time of when this will happen. Neither Him or the angels but only the Father. Jesus teaches us through the word of God to be aware of these things. We have already seen many false prophets and false messiahs since the time when Jesus spoke these words. Many wars and rumors of other wars. Hitler was thought to be the Anti Christ. By the events of our time we do see things fulfilled that didn`t happen earlier. But that`s all we have. Best left for us to leave it in God`s hand who knows when and how it will be. Our part is to share Jesus with others and put on the full armor of God. [ Ephesians 6; 10–18].

  5. It is amazing that in this context of talking about His return, that Jesus says be ready. And we are to be ready with the understanding that we don’t know when Jesus is going to return. We are good servants when we stay alert and don’t invest too much in this life but invest in the life to come. There is great value in being found to be doing what the master wants when he returns and not let his prolonged absence cause us to be distracted, or deceived or disobedient. This is especially significant considering how long Jesus has tarried and given the world extended time to recognize who He is. They have more often followed their own way to their own demise…..

  6. Jesus has some pretty harsh words to say to the Pharisees. They looked good on the outside, but were full of evil on the inside. What is most important to God is what is happening on the inside of our hearts and minds fueling our actions. The end times will be very terrible, and Jesus warns us not to be deceived and to stand firm as the events unfold. He says that “all these things will happen while some of the people in this time are still living.” Not quite sure what he means by this.

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