March 25, 2023
Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.
Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Day 15 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Week Jesus Dies
Read Sections 5.9 through 5.12 (pages 140-142)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
Lent Day 15
The Pharisees and herods group usually enemy’s but when it came to Jesus. They became friends with what they thought was a fool proof plan If Jesus said pay taxes the Pharisees had him trapped. If he said don’t the herodians would have turned him in. But Jesus exposed their evil intent and embarrassed them. Perfect answer. Taxes to ceaser. Heart to God. Pharisees are so proud they still continue to try to trap Jesus. What is the greatest commandment. Having over 600 laws. I’m sure they argued which one was most important. Jesus sums up All the laws with 2 commands
On lent day 2023, Day 15
When Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar’ and give to God what is God’s, it seems like the origin of the separation of church and state. We must obey civil laws, but our allegiance is to God!
Jesus said that when we rise from death, we’ll be like angels in heaven. That’s a very comforting thought.
Amen/ Mark. You said it. Also true latter on the same day the Sadducees and Pharisees tried to trick Jesus with questions. They always failed. How could they trick the one who knew their thoughts and motives. It says in the scriptures that after that no one was brave enough to ask Him any more questions. Although we still know that the Jewish leaders still plotted to have Jesus killed. Thank God that we have an all knowing, and loving God. That He came to earth to die on the cross for us and rise again three days latter.
It is important to note that Jesus is in His last week here on this earth and the divide between Jesus and the religious leaders is just going to become sharper. On several occasions here they try to stump Jesus with questions and different issues and Jesus’ superior wisdom and insight prevail each time, so the leaders end up with egg on their face and the people see this. These incidences should warn us that at times people will come to us with questions but their intentions are wrong and regardless of the answer we give, their ultimate viewpoint won’t be changed. Isn’t it so good that Jesus spots them a mile away? The leaders ultimate response will be to get rid of Jesus because they cannot discredit Him!
But in these accounts we do learn principles like we should pay taxes, there will not be marriage in heaven (and we will be like the angels only in that aspect….we will be like Jesus in others), and what the most important commands are to Jesus. And isn’t it just like Jesus to be asked what the one command is that is most important and He gives 2? It just goes to show how important human relationships are to Him….
I love how calm, cool, and collected Jesus always remains in these situations. I think about our human temperament when people are trying to lead us into disagreement (Social media is one giant example of that lol) but he simply answers their questions and remains a constant teacher and shows the showy people what is right. We see what happens when we take that approach to people trying to invoke dissention at the end of this reading when they stop being “brave enough to ask Him any more questions”.
Day 15
Love your neighbor as yourself. When we can love, accept and forgive others, we are more able to do the same with our own shortcomings. And when we can see ourselves the way God sees us, with love, acceptance, grace, and mercy, it moves us towards a more compassionate view of others.
The Pharisees are trying to trick Jesus with their questions. The primary fault in this is that they do not believe Jesus is who He says He is, who He clearly is. All this time they are questioning His authority, His authority to heal even! When We ask God questions and He puts us in our place, the response should be humility! Some believe….but the leaders, want to kill Him.