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March 14, 2022

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Reading along with us in Isaiah? Here’s today’s reading:

Isaiah 47 (NIV)

The Fall of Babylon
1“Go down, sit in the dust,
Virgin Daughter Babylon;
sit on the ground without a throne,
queen city of the Babylonians
No more will you be called
tender or delicate.
2 Take millstones and grind flour;
take off your veil.
Lift up your skirts, bare your legs,
and wade through the streams...........Continue Reading

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This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Babylon felt untouchable because of all that they had conquered and in particular their desolation of Judah and Jerusalem, however, they were simply God’s instruments to bring about His judgment there. God will show them true power not the power they mistakenly put in themselves or their sorcery.
    In this world evil people do live comfortably and can sometimes have all they desire but they will still have to face the judgement of God one day and no riches and power can change your heart and God sees our hearts!

  2. Isiah 47. God used Babylon to punish the sinful people that he loved. When he was done with Babylon and to free his people. He used the Persian empire

  3. When you are strong and have it all together, it is easy to think you will remain on top. It is easy to let pride overtake you and continue to depend on the things that you think brought you success. But if that it outside the person and will of God it will come to an end. In fact you may find, like the Babylonians, that God had just given you success for His purposes, but if you misused the success, and treated people poorly, well then you need to answer to God. And so here God reminds the Babylonians that the jig is up for them. Their assumed strength will crumble when God decides it will. And it won’t help if they run to all those devices that seemed to work in the past…because the only thing that ever truly works is God’s will. And if we are not following that, then any success we have will be hollow and short lived…

  4. God used Babylon to discipline Israel, but that doesn’t get them off the hook. Now God will discipline them for their evil deeds.

    I know that in Revelation there is a “Mystery” Babylon. I am sure there is a parallel….

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