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February 26, 2025

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Reading along with us in Deuteronomy and Corinthians? Here’s today’s reading:

Deuteronomy 33 (NIV)

Moses Blesses the Tribes
1 This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death. 2 He said:
“The Lord came from Sinai
and dawned over them from Seir;
he shone forth from Mount Paran.……Continue Reading

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This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Very interesting how God blesses each tribe differently depending on what their strengths are. Reminds me of pastor peters message this past Sunday. Comparing ourselves to others. It is God who has created us with different gifts to bring glory to him. Let them shine. Without comparing to others. The definition of life is easy. Just be who who God made you to be to bring glory to him

  2. Deuteronomy 33

    I find it interesting that Moses had a lot to say in his blessing concerning some of the tribes while very little about others.

  3. I was struck reading these beautiful poetic blessings that Moses was giving the tribes just how far he had come from being that doubtful man thinking he could never lead with his slow, stumbling speech. If he continued in his thinking of himself and did not trust God how different things would have looked for him. But he did put his trust in god and followed His will and look at the end result!

  4. 33:2 “ten thousands of saints” is eerily similar to Jude 14 “The Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints…”

    Both seem to portend the coming of God to deliver judgement. Fascinating.

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