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November 8, 2022

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Reading along with us in Amos? Here’s today’s reading:

Amos 1 (NIV)

1 The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa—the vision he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel.
2 He said:
“The Lord roars from Zion
and thunders from Jerusalem;
the pastures of the shepherds dry up,
and the top of Carmel withers.”
Judgment on Israel’s Neighbors
3 This is what the Lord says:.........Continue Reading

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This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. Amos 1:
    God used a shepherd, Amos to warn the nations of the prophesied judgements to come because of their immeasurable amount of sin. And they will be severe. Consuming fire is mentioned in each nations judgement as well as fury and destruction. Such as their horrendous and continuous sins deserved. No ‘one’ or no ‘nation’ is excluded of any judgement. Sin is sin and there will be judgement. God is wonderfully merciful to the repenting sinner…thank you, Jesus! But he also makes it very clear how ‘unmerciful’ he will be to the unrepenting sinner. As unperfect as I am, I certainly know I don’t want to be on that receiving end!

  2. The Lord is very specific about how each nation is to be punished and what he will do as a result. So that when it happens, they will know that the Lord’s hand was in it and why. He also states that he will not revoke the punishment, so there is nothing they can do about what is to come. They can’t reverse the punishment by repenting because it was not possible for them to do so due to their evil hearts.

  3. I read that the name Amos means burden or burden bearer which seems a fitting name as he begins to spell out the coming judgements of the nations surrounding Israel. These nations that served a purpose in their mistreatment and destruction of Judah and Israel as their own judgement will clearly see their own as well and that judgement does not sound like something anyone would want to see come!

  4. God shows His authority and awareness over all the earth by addressing the nations surrounding Israel. The Jews would take comfort as we should that God will address evil and injustice done particularly to His people. How prideful would these nations be when they had the upper hand and God allowed these sinful and abusive things to go on. And yet God will deal with it in HIs way and in His time, just as He has throughout history and will do in our day. And remember 2 of these nations, Edom and Ammon, were relatives of the Jews…so they in some ways should have done better.

    It is also interesting to note that Amos actually is prophesying these things in the same time and context as Isaiah. So although we might read the messages of individual prophets, how gracious that God would send several prophets to His people at one time or to different areas.

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