December 30, 2024
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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Advent 2024 – Day 30 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Year of Growing Opposition
Read Sections 4.61 through 4.65 (pages 119-123)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
Advent day 30
Advent Day 29 & 30
Jesus purposely stays from Lazarus so that he will show he not only has power to defeat his own death but power to defeat death for others. Think that’s enough miracles to believe? Woman who couldn’t stop bleeding. Another paralyzed for 28 years. Man blind from birth. Demons being kicked out. Another young girl raised from the dead. On and on. And they still crucified him. Even after Lazarus dead for 4 days. Good thing he called only Lazarus. They all would have walked out. Martha gives the perfect response I believe you are the Christ. The Son of God who was to come into the world. Jesus constantly showed his emotions. Compassion. Sorrow Frustration. As here when he saw so many weeping. He also wept. After this beyond science miracle. They plot to kill him. Instead of believing he was the Son of God. They show fear of the Romans. Wouldn’t you be saying if God is walking amongst us. We have nothing to fear.
How great God’s forgiveness is of us, so we should certainly extend forgiveness to those who wrong us especially if they take responsibility for what they did. And when we do what is expected of us, we should not seek recognition or gratitude from people. It should be enough for us to know that we have done what God wanted us to do. And how amazing this miracle that Jesus does with Lazarus. It gives Him the opportunity to reveal that He is the resurrection and the life to all those who believe and He shows it by raising Lazarus from the dead. They knew the healing power of Jesus if Lazarus was alive but sick. But raising him from the dead was a different, more miraculous thing to do. And what a quandary this creates for His opponents. How blind to the truth are you when you want to stop Jesus from doing things because if He keeps on doing it, then everyone will believe in Him. Well then, how about believing in Him and promoting others to do the same? It is exactly what we all should do when we realize how powerful Jesus showed Himself to be.