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December 23, 2024

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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Advent 2024 – Day 23 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Year of Growing Opposition 

Read Sections 4.29 through 4.33 (pages 92-95)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
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  1. Adulterous woman. We got him if he says she’s guilty. Then where is his compassionate forgiveness for sinners if he says she’s not guilty then where is his following of the law? The perfect trap. But Jesus passes the judgement onto the judges. I’m sure knowing that this was a trap. He was upset. He was preaching and interrupted by a scheme. Of those that would have him crucified. The finger of God writing. Who knows what Jesus wrote. If they could read it, I’m sure it cut to the bone. Jesus was referring to not all sin. But to this particular sin. If you’re not guilty. Go ahead and throw a stone. The oldest knew they had been called out. Guilty!!! And the younger followed. Trying to trap God. Foolish. The rest of John 8. Jesus plainly tells who he is unto deaf ears of Pharisees. But to some there they came to believe. Jesus tells them straight. Your father is the devil! And you will carry out his desires. Love the verse when you have lifted me up. Then you will know. I AM

  2. What a statement of the kind of person Jesus was and how and what He taught when those sent by those who opposed Him could not arrest Him because He taught with an authority that they had never heard. But the Jewish leaders just don’t get it…which says a boatload about them. And Jesus shows His wisdom, compassion and forgiveness in how deals with both the adulterous woman and her accusers. It says something about what we should consider when we go to judge someone as well. But Jesus also has not forgiven her so she can just go on sinning either. He just shows in all, that He is the light of the world. He gives the truth by which we can see and know what is right. Light dispels the darkness and that’s what we will do when we follow Him. And Jesus does not need another witness to testify to what He has said and who He is, because the Father approves and Jesus is doing and saying what God wants Him to do and say. And if these Jewish leaders really had Abraham and God as their father, then they would accept who Jesus is and what He says. But by virtue of rejecting Him they are showing that their marching orders come from satan and not from God. What a bold statement for Jesus to make, but a reality that must be expressed because it is true. If Jesus is who He claimed to be (and He showed it in spades) then to not believe and follow Him is to believe a lie. Because when it comes to many realities, truth is absolute. And Jesus is the One who determines and declares what that truth is.

  3. Jesus emphasizes His relationship with the Father, intimately connected. The teachers of the law and Pharisees don’t believe Him. They don’t understand who He is although they keep asking Him.
    “You don’t know me or my father. But if you knew me, you would know my father too.”
    ”Then Jesus said to them, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things. And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.” As He spoke these words, many believed in Him.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Many did believe.

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