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December 21, 2024

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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Advent 2024 – Day 21 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Year of Growing Opposition 

Read Sections 4.19 through 4.24 (pages 84-88)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. The power of faith. The apostles who had been given power to drive out demons previous. Had forgotten who drives demons out. Not them in their flesh. But the power that comes from faith in Jesus. Prayer and fasting also. To give us the right perspective. Help my unbelief the father stated. What a statement. We all have the small voice that says but what if! When God heals he heals completely. Believe in that and don’t waiver. Being tossed around like the seas. Who is the greatest in Gods kingdom. Jesus holds a child to let the apostles know they are being childish. Instead be childlike. Without any doubt. And totally reliant on others. To be totally reliant on Christ. Now that’s wisdom and power

  2. Oh the suffering that comes to humanity because of the work of satan and his minions. He shows himself to be against us not for us. And Jesus and God are the only Ones who can overcome him and free us from their power. And we could all afford to have our faith made stronger. Yet the work Jesus will do to connect us to God is to die and then show His victory over death by being raised. But the disciples just didn’t get it. And how neat that Jesus made the means to pay His and Peter’s taxes. And what a neat little miracle it is…a coin in a fish’s mouth..that Peter has to catch. May Jesus provide a way for us to pay our taxes also! And to a group of people that wondered what would make them the greatest, how shocked they must have been to see a child as the example. Someone who doesn’t understand much and can’t do much, but they trust easy and are dependent on others for their care and protection. It Is exactly what we need to be before God. And I like the thought of being childlike, but not childish. Scripture would certainly reflect that idea. And we will never avoid offending and wronging each other with the things we say and the things we do. How crucial it is that Jesus gives us a prescription to deal with it. And it is always to go to the person. What a solution that is so we don’t have to wonder if people have something against us but we are all given the responsibility to address people when that happens. And what wisdom there is in going alone at first, keeping things between the people involved. But people may not agree or see it the same way or want to do different, so how helpful to get two or three others to add their perspective and accountability. And what influence there should be that the whole church brings to make things right/bring people to task. But in the wisdom of the greater body of Christ/a church family, it will further show who is right or who really isn’t willing to accept God’s way.

  3. I do believe, help me to believe more! Some times I feel this way. Lord, please help me to believe more especially when things are going badly and I think that God does not care or he is punishing me. The truth is, you must change your thinking and think like a little child. Be totally dependent on the Lord, believe in what he says, do what he says and be humble. God takes care of the children, they have angels in heaven!

  4. ”Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”“
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    I takes faith to choose to have faith, and humility to admit your faith isn’t as strong as it could or should be.

    Another part of this section made me think about taxes. Jesus asked, who pays taxes? The children of the king or others? Others. I believe this is what is happening even in our “democratic” nation today. The people are paying for all that “the king” decrees – wars the people don’t want, illegal immigrants, fentanyl and trafficking at the border unhindered,
    new IRS agents to prosecute Americans, DAs who don’t enforce the law. Etc. something fishy is going on…..pun intended.

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