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March 23, 2025

Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.

Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Lent 2025 – Day 3 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Year of Growing Opposition 

Read Sections 4.78 through 4.79 (pages 131-133)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. What are we doing with what God has blessed us with?
    Are we using our time, talent, and resources to bring Him glory and make disciples?
    Maybe we are hiding it due to fear, worry, and anxiety.
    Jesus was a servant and here to set example of a life of service. We are to be good stewards of not just our money but all aspects of our lives to advance His kingdom here on earth! And I really love Jesus’ story telling way of teaching lessons 🙂

  2. Lent 2025 Day3
    God gives more to people that use his word and what they have been given to save souls. The man who did the best was given even more because God trusted him.
    Because of Jesus having brought Lazarus back from the dead many Jews were leaving and believing in Jesus. They wanted Jesus arrested before the passover. It was a time of great hate and fear of our Lord Jesus. Much like today’s world only with more hate and division in our present life. We need to only follow the words in the bible as the devil will use anything to plant doubt.

  3. The master divides the money. Or talents. The way he sees fit No one receives any more or any less than what they can handle. Can’t say I was overwhelmed. Failure only comes from laziness or hating the master. Pray that when my time is up I can say. Father I have used the talents you gave me to bring you glory. Now into your hands I commend my sprit. My goal! Kind of hard to switch gears here to think of how hard these so called priests hearts have become. What did Lazarus ever do to deserve death. What charge would they tell Pilate. “This man was dead 4 days and Jesus called him to life !! What a downward spiral they were in they SO needed to repent and stop this sinful state they were in. But. Nope !!

  4. The leading priests and pharisees coming up to the Passover wanted to kill Jesus because He was leading the people away from their teaching. They held to the law and their traditions even though they themselves didn`t hold strictly to it themselves. They wanted to believe in a coming conquering king to destroy their enemies and rule over them. They also didn`t want to lose their power over the Jewish people as priests and pharisees. They enjoyed the honor of being above the people. They did not want to acknowledge a Savior that would die for them. So, any scriptures that taught of a Savior dying for their sin, they disregarded or maybe didn`t understand. Perhaps willful ignorance. The blind leading the blind. They were legalistic and couldn`t apparently understand God`s grace. Their thinking was so distorted that they not only wanted to kill Jesus, but the man Lazarus that He rose from the dead after four days. How could they deny what Jesus had done with Lazarus and so many other miracles? That`s how fixed they were in their thinking. The scripture says that we cannot be saved by the sacrifice of animals, but only through the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Which is Jesus the Christ. May the Lord bless.

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