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Please pray for our Pastor, Elders, Deacons, Leaders, Ministry Heads, Awana, FoY, Point Men, Women of Hope and Missionaries.We also pray that God would raise up leaders, strengthen our faith as a community, that we would live sold-out lives for Christ, we would read, study and live out His Word, that we would love God and others and seek God’s will for our ministries in the church, in our homes and our communities.

LHCC Prayer Ministry Schedule

I prayed for this

Prayed for 264 times.

Paula MacDonald

2 requests please:

1 - For a girl who Kaitlyn went to high school with; she has been battling anorexia and bulimia for half her life. This has damaged her body so much that she has reached a point where the doctors have told her she needs to make out a will. Please pray for her salvation, break free from this bondage and healing for her body.

2 - for my brother in law (Bernie) who meets with the surgeon in regards to prostate cancer this week. For safe travel mercies, comfort and peace.

Received: July 16, 2017

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