June 24, 2023
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Reading along with us in Nehemiah? Here’s today’s reading:
Nehemiah 5 (NIV)
Nehemiah Helps the Poor
1 Now the men and their wives raised a great outcry against their fellow Jews. 2 Some were saying, “We and our sons and daughters are numerous; in order for us to eat and stay alive, we must get grain.”
3 Others were saying, “We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine.”..…..Continue Reading
Don’t we wish leaders would all lead the way Nehemiah does here! He hears the grievances of the people and he addresses them and you know God is in this because the rich see the error of the way they are doing things and they correct it. But most important to note is that Nehemiah does not pull a “do as I say not as I do” but rather sets an example and only uses what he needs instead of living a life of excess while others struggle.
Nehemiah 5 provides insight to internal problems that hindered the building. Without detailing the obvious:
-When you have a problem, say something, you may not be the only one.
-There is wisdom in counsel, and confirmation at the mouth of two or more witnesses, there were many who reported basically the same problem. These were not rumors.
-Gather facts, identify the cause of the problem, and prescribe a remedy. Nehemiah did this.
-When lovingly confronted with the facts of your own wrong doing, repent of it, and remedy your actions. The leaders corrected themselves.
Practical advice here for Christian living in this dark world. Peace, Gordy
Gods chosen people taking advantage of their own countrymen. Do we ever need a Nehemiah today. The interest some institutions charge is a crime. Only problem is these Jewish people listen when Nehemiah reminded them of the law. Not gonna happen today. Taking care of all this and continuing to finish the wall. !!!!
Nehemiah was a fair and just man for he honored and feared God. The other governors before Nehemiah didn`t treat the people very well for even their servants lorded it over the people. They were reflecting their leadership for if the other governors had treated the people right then their servants would had done likewise. Their own people were in bondage to other Jewish people. This was not right and Nehemiah called it out. He acted on it and the people agreed that the people would get their lands back and no longer be slaves to their own people. He also wasn`t going to do what the other governors did. He wasn`t going to demand the bread of a governor. Again Nehemiah showing his leadership skills. In the end of this chapter [19] he says [ Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.] He always keeps God front and center. Or rather God as first in every decision he would make. What a perfect example to us in our own daily lives. May God grant us this wisdom to always put Him first in our lives. Peace to all.
Nehemiah 5
Nehemiah 5
How important for a leader to address problems and disagreements directly. So many issues can come up when entering a new situation where different actions and protocols get established, but when injustice is discovered it needs to be made right. And Nehemiah being a good leader is not shy to confront things head on, first by calling a meeting and second by presenting the issues head on. And you can know you have made a good case when the people you are addressing have nothing to say in defense as well as agree to your terms. It is always important to reflect on the way we are treating people to make sure we have not allowed mistreatment to work its way into situations. And at the conclusion of all things to pray and seek God’s direction and favor.
Nehemiah 5
I love how he, in the midst of so much work and management of this enormous project also cared for his people’s needs, seeing the unfairness of what was happening and speaking assertively on their behalf. It would have continued if he didn’t confront it…..which reminds me, that the only thing bad behavior, unfairness, or evil needs to thrive is for no one to speak, pray, and act against it.
Nehemiah addresses the injustice and oppression that the nobles and rulers are exacting on the people. He doesn’t just talk about it with no results, he comes up with a plan to restore those who are coerced to lose all that they have and to bring those who are responsible to repentance and restitution.
Nehemiah lived out his role as governor with integrity, and the nobles took notice of this so they agreed to do the same by not taking advantage of the Jewish people. May we do the same in our daily walk so that others would see and know that we are children of God and are blessed by him for our conduct. Let us always be thinking of ways we can be thoughtful, kind, and loving, caring for those people that God sends our way each day.
Hebrews 10:24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.