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The Shield of Faith – Armor of God Series (Pt. 6)

“Faith apprehends as a real fact what is not revealed in the senses. It rests in the fact, acts upon it, and is upheld by it in the face of all that seems to contradict it.” Marvin Vincent (Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament) – What do you understand about faith, and the way faith engages us with God? What is faith? How do faith and works coexist? What does faith have to do with spiritual warfare and the schemes of Satan? Pastor Peter answers all these questions in today’s message on the shield of faith, from Ephesians 6:10-18.

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 09/17/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Armor of God
Title: The Shield of Faith – Sermon Series on the Armor of God (Pt. 6)
Scriptures: Ephesians 6:15; Isaiah 52:7; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:6; James 2:17; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5



Praise and Worship:
Mike Silvia (Keyboards, Lead Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Linda Leslie (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Alex MacLeod (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Worship Songs
“How Great is Your Faithfulness” – Matt Redman
“Grateful for Your Love” – Ellie Holcomb
“I Will Not Forget You” – Waterdeep
“Better is One Day” – Matt Redman
“Continue to Love Me” – Enter the Worship Circle

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

The Breastplate of Righteousness – Armor of God Series (Pt. 5)

“Truth is both constricting and freeing. It certainly limits our options and defines things strictly, but to know that you’re doing what is right and by definition the best when you follow the truth of God, it frees us from insecurity and fear and caring too much about people’s opinions.” Pastor Peter Atkin – A Roman soldier’s uniform included an armored breastplate, designed to protect the front of his body, and especially his heart. Is it any wonder Paul would include the breastplate of righteousness in his description of the different parts of the armor of God? How seriously do you take the guarding of your heart?

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 09/10/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Armor of God
Title: The Breastplate of Righteousness – Sermon Series on the Armor of God (Pt. 5)
Scriptures: John 16:12; Ephesians 6:13-14; Proverbs 4:23; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 3:21-26; Ephesians 6:15; Ephesians 4:6-7



Mike Silvia (Keyboards, Lead Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Linda Leslie (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Worship Songs:
“Under the Shadow” – Nicole C. Mullen
“God is Good All the Time” – Don Moen
“All Creatures of Our God and King” – Jonathan Baird, Ryan Baird
“How Great is Our God” – Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash
“Jesus Messiah” – Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash


Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

Stand Firm! The Belt of Truth – Armor of God Series (Pt. 4)

Many Christians are being lulled into sleep and tantalized to death by the pursuit of things that are not God’s priorities. In the meantime, the truths found in Scripture are being ignored, compromised, and distorted. Jesus warned that the man who doesn’t put His words into practice builds his “house” on shifting sand, and will not be able to stand when storms come. Is it any wonder Satan actively tries to convince us that the word of God isn’t true, causing many to lose their confidence and peace, compromise their witness and even lose their faith? Listen as Pastor Peter Atkin continues his series on the armor of God, teaching on the “belt of truth” in Ephesians 6:13-14.

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 09/03/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Armor of God
Title: Stand Firm! The Belt of Truth – Sermon Series on the Armor of God (Pt. 4)
Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-18; Matthew 7:24-27; 1 Corinthians 10:8-12; Deuteronomy 4:7-8

Audio Coming Soon


Bob Petrucelli (Keyboards), Donna Morra (Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Linda Leslie (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Alex MacLeod (Guitar, Vocals), Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Worship Songs:
“Blessed Be Your Name” (Matt and Beth Redman)
“Glorious Day” (Casting Crowns)
“Who Am I” (Casting Crowns)
“Above All” (Michael W. Smith)
“Amazing Grace – My Chains Are Gone” (Chris Tomlin)

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

Does Satan Have Power Over Us? – Armor of God Series (Pt. 3)

What power does Satan wield in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ? Are we able to be possessed? What is our responsibility in protecting ourselves from demonic activity or influence? And is there any power in satanic or occult symbols like pentagrams? Listen as Pastor Peter Atkin continues his series on “The Armor of God,” teaching from Ephesians 6:10-18.

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 08/27/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Armor of God
Title: Does Satan Have Power Over Us? – Sermon Series on the Armor of God (Pt. 3)
Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Corinthians 10:27-29; 1 Corinthians 4:8-13; Romans 14:14; Romans 14:22-23



Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

The Schemes of Satan – Armor of God Series (Pt. 2)

Jesus calls Satan “the father of lies” (John 8:44), and we read in Scripture that he is “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10) who accuses and condemns us. Yet he presents himself as kind, good, and an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). Listen in as Pastor Peter Atkin teaches us how to protect and defend ourselves against the schemes of Satan, continuing his sermon series on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-24).

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 08/20/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Armor of God
Title: The Schemes of Satan – Sermon Series on the Armor of God (Pt. 2)
Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-18; Romans 8:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Corinthians 11:14



Praise and Worship:
Thank you to Bob Morra for leading us in worship this morning as Mike Silvia is with his family.
Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals), Donna Morra (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Worship Songs:
“Bigger Than Any Mountain”
“He is Our Peace”
“Open Our Eyes”
“My Peace”

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

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