March 13, 2023
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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Day 3 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Year of Growing Opposition
Read Sections 4.41 through 4.44 (pages 103-107)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
The story of the Good Samaritan is always a good reminder to us of how God expects us to love without exception. What we do to the least we do unto Him. We don’t get to excuse ourselves from loving people because they are different, because they hurt us, or for any other excuse we are called to follow Jesus’ example and love and care for all.
We would be like the priests clean on the outside and not dealing with the dirt on the inside. God wants us to come clean of all of it and live a life where He is our focus and His love abounds to others from us.
Day 3
Lent 2023 day 2
On Lent 2023 day 3
Thx Good Samaritan. A great lesson on who is our neighbors. Doesn’t matter of race. Color. Etc. If our neighbor needs help, then lend a hand. Mary and Martha. Martha like a lot of people. Everything had to be exactly right especially when entertaining at home. So much that she seems to be overly concerned with details. Seems like she’s reaching out for sympathy. Her efforts are not being recognized. Totally missing the most important reasons that particular night. Some people so busy DOING things for Jesus. They missed time SPENDING with Jesus. Prayer. A certain order for prayer. Praising God should always come first in prayer. Thanking him for taking care of our daily needs. Too often our prayers become like a shopping list
Day 3 3-41-44 Jesus was talking about loving thy neighbor and asking who is your neighbor and tells the story of the man who laid hurt while a Jewish priest walked by and a Levite walked by and a Samaritan stopped to help this man, Jesus asked the teacher of the law who was really the neighbor and for them to do the same.
Jesus went on to stay at Martha’s house and her sister Mary sat and listened to Jesus while Martha missed that opportunity to be close with Jesus because she was worried about getting things done. How often as women do we forget what’s important by being Martha’s?!
Jesus teaches the Apostles how to pray, he tells them continue to ask, continue to search, continue to knock and the door will be open for you, ask and you will receive, He tells them surely your Heavenly Father knows how to give the Holy Spirit to the people who ask him, what a great message for us to remember as well.
The teaching of the good Samaritan. Our neighbor is anyone we can help. Jesus was giving the examples of a Priest and a Levite who were religious but while they looked like good men on the outside they didn`t have God`s love in their inside. The good Samaritan on the other hand reflected God`s love. He showed by his actions in caring for the man. It wasn`t just talk. It cost him time and money. In James 1;22 it reads [But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.] Latter Jesus criticizes the religious leaders. They were interested on the outside of each person but not the heart of the person. They were being legalistic and not having a love of God in their hearts. Earlier Jesus taught Martha an important lesson that she was so busy that she didn`t have time to spend with Jesus. He said that Mary chose right. This should be a lesson to ourselves. Are we so busy that we don`t make time for Jesus or very little time? And then latter Jesus teaches the followers how to pray.
Lent Day 3
So many lessons taught:
The good Samaritan
Martha and Mary
The Lord’s Prayer
Martha and Mary. Mary has made the best choice, to sit at the feet of Jesus. She has set her priorities in order and it will not be taken from her.
It is important to remember that it is the samaritan who helps, it is not the samaritan who is hurt. In other words if that guy is willing to go out of his way to help someone he doesn’t know, how much more should this Jewish leader who asked the question help a stranger. And we all have to recognize the Martha in us. It shows up in people not coming to pray….or coming to church…or being in the Word…especially when the reason is there are other (more important?) things to do. Whenever physical activity takes precedent over spiritual disciplines, we are channeling our inner Martha and neglecting the example of Mary. And how fitting that Jesus’ instruction on prayer follows this account. What a great outline Jesus provides in the believer’s prayer: worship God, God cares about your practical needs, sin needs to dealt with and human relationships matter, as does spiritual warfare and the protection we need in it. And God wants us to keep pressing Him with prayer. It reenforces our faith and our desire. How much do we really want something and belief God can do it, if we don’t keep asking?
And let’s make sure we don’t become like the religious leaders…all about what is external and what people see and what we can be praised for…but then corrupt, sinful and selfish on the inside. They are guilty of the sins of the past because they are acting in the exact same way. They would also strain at gnats and swallow camels. Let’s remember, mercy over sacrifice…love over judgement….speaking the truth, but with grace….
Lent day 3