May 11, 2024
Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.
Reading along with us in Genesis? Here’s today’s reading:
Genesis 46 (NIV)
Jacob Goes to Egypt
1 So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.
2 And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!”
“Here I am,” he replied ……Continue Reading
Genesis 47. I’m confused as to why, in verse 7, Jacob blessed Pharaoh. How did he have the authority’ to bless him?
As the head of God’s people and the people through whom He would reveal himself, it is fitting for Jacob to consider himself a connecting point to God, especially with the promise God made Abraham that He would bless those who blessed thee and curse those who curse thee.
Thanks for clarifying.
You are welcome!
Impeccable record keeping. We note 70 souls of Israel enter Egypt to be saved. Four centuries later, a vast multitude shall be redeemed from Egypt’s oppression.
Is it not good to remember where you gave been, and where you are now?
Is where you were before Christ the same place today?
“If you iz, what you waz, ye ain’t” J. Jasper, preacher
Exodus 4.
It can be stressful packing up my family of 5 for a vacation….this was a huge move with so many people and to think they did it on foot or riding animals with carts!
But God, through Joseph, provided all they needed and the way to establish a new home in Egypt.
Genesis 45
Genesis 46
Genesis 46
When Jacob heard from God that he should go he knew then this was right move. He packed everything he had as did his family and headed to Egypt where Joseph was waiting to hug his father. Joseph wept.
Joseph told his brothers not to say they were shepards. To say they were overseeing the people tending the stock. Pharoah and his people hated shepards.
Genesis 46
Meg, I think Pharaoh deserved a blessing from Israel. Pharaoh treated Joseph with dignity, respect, and honor, unlike his successor, who would turn on Israel and enslave them. This man willingly obeyed God.
I work with men and women, who are not Christians, yet, they deserve my public gratitude, thanks for their accomplishments and behavior. I cannot withhold my “blessing” upon them.
SPIGOT: “I exhort therefore, that most of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.” Timothy
Israel makes a sacrifice at Beersheba to God and God speaks to him in the visions of the night. God confirms to him to go down to Egypt and that Israel will become a great nation. When Israel finally gets to the land of Goshen; Joseph greets his father and they embrace for some time. What a warm greeting this was for they hadn`t seen each other for so long. They never expected to see each other again. Now Israel is ready to die because he has seen Joseph and can die in peace. Yet he will live another 17 years and die at the age of 147. What a blessing this was for Israel and all his family.
Genesis 46
How faithful God is to meet Jacob and assure him that it is right for him to go to Egypt and that God will bless him there. It was a big move and they left everything behind and so good to know God willed it. I couldn’t help to think about the anticipation Jacob had on the trip to see Joseph. For myself, I can’t wait to see my children after a week or so. I can only imagine what it would be like when it is years and on top of that you thought he was dead. And how awesome that God provides a distinct region for the Jews to prosper in. And it struck me that Egyptians hated shepherds and consider their low reputation in other cultures, and yet they were the ones welcomed by Angels to welcome Jesus to the earth.