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June 25, 2024

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Reading along with us in Exodus and Romans? Here’s today’s reading:

Exodus 8 (NIV)

1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. 2 If you refuse to let them go, I will send a plague of frogs on your whole country. 3 The Nile will teem with frogs.……Continue Reading

Next: Romans 2

Back: Exodus 7

This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. Is this the first time the Jews are inoculated from the plague, with the flies? I assume they were also plagued with the blood and frog plague.

    Gods word is true, Pharohs heart was hard.

  2. As far as I know Keven; the plague of flies is where God separates Israel from Egypt. I am not sure why but it seems that way. The second plague was frogs. God instructed Moses and Aaron to lift Aarons rod over the river, ponds, and streams and there be multitudes of frogs. They were everywhere; in their homes, and their servants homes. This plague was against the goddess HEQET the goddess of fertility and childbirth. The third plague was lice or gnats. KJ says lice and NIV says gnats. I think lice is bad but I think gnats are far worse. Have you ever been attacked by swarms of gnats by the hundred? I have years ago when I use to hike. Trying to set up a camp sight while being attacked by the hundreds. Believe me it was awful. They would even come through the tent netting. Off was the only thing that worked. So I can picture swarms of gnats attacking people and animals. This plague of gnats or lice was against GEB an important deity in Egypt. He was respected god of the earth. He also had a role in agriculture, fertility. and the underworld. Aaron cast his rod upon the dust and this is what happened. GEB was seen as a father figure to plants and crops and it is believed that earthquakes was his laughter. The magicians couldn`t duplicate this plague showing God`s ultimate power. The forth plague is flies. God clearly says that the flies will only be where the Egyptians live and not in the land of Goshen where Israel is. vs 22,23. This plague is against the god; KHEPRI. He is associated with creation, the movement of the sun and rebirth. What an Almighty God we serve.

  3. What a picture of half hearted people. The storms come and we cave and ask for prayers. The storms or plague leaves and we’re all set. Because we want to. No matter what the circumstances. Not because we have to

  4. It is curious that under the frogs and gnats it mentions specifically how they will invade the Egyptians, seeming that they were not effecting the Jews. And yet they must have been, because to add to the nature of His power expressed through the plagues He will keep the flies away from Goshen. I mean wow, first the power of God to just create things or expedite reproduction, more likely the former, is awesome, but second to have swarms of flies in an area and draw a line where they won’t go. We are talking about flies…those pesky insects that go everywhere. Until the God of creation says…not there. How nice God, to put a dome over my house, lol? But Pharaoh is like the typical human…take it way and I will do what you say (and maybe let me have a little input so I maintain some control about what this time away looks like)…but then once I am free from the suffering. Nope, it is my way, not what You say. Let’s not be the kind of people that play games with God and realize He calls the shots whatever circumstance we find ourselves in…

  5. Pharoah seems like so many people in the world that don’t want to be bothered with God until times get tough. They call to God in their need and then forget about Him when they do not need anything. They are frustrated when He doesn’t answer the way they think He should even though they show no affection for Him other than a slot machine hoping for a jackpot.
    These plagues seem so horrible and if they did not confirm that God is a mighty God that does what He says and you need Him ALL the time, I am just puzzled by that!

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