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June 30, 2024

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Reading along with us in Exodus and Romans? Here’s today’s reading:

Exodus 11 (NIV)

The Plague on the Firstborn
1 Now the Lord had said to Moses, “I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that, he will let you go from here, and when he does, he will drive you out completely. 2 Tell the people that men and women alike are to ask their neighbors for articles of silver and gold.”……Continue Reading

Next: Exodus 12

Back: Romans 3

This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. “How long will this man be a snare to us?” Exodus 10:7 speaking about Moses, it occurred to me just now, and want to share, God hand of protection was undeniably on Moses, Pharaoh would have killed Moses the 2nd wrath came along, His own people were saying how long we gonna take this from this guy Moses? theres Holy intervention happening, it apparently never occurred to Pharaoh to lap off his head,

  2. Exodus 11

    Not only will Pharaoh let Israel go…but God says that Pharaoh will actually drive them out of Egypt.

    “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31

  3. God tells Moses that this will be the last plague. That all the first born of humans and beasts in Egypt will die. That the first born of people and beasts of Israel will not die. Chapter 12 gives further instructions to Moses and the Israelites. Pharoah along with first born son were considered gods themselves. Here is a statement by: The Bible Knowledge Commentary. [ The goddess Isis, the wife and sister of Osiris, supposedly protected children. But this plague showed her to be totally incompetent to do what the Egyptians trusted her for!] Up to this point God has been preparing the Egyptians to send Israel off with possessions and their blessings. He has also been preparing the hearts of the Israelites. God is showing to all His Ultimate Power that He is the Creator and has power over His own creation. God bless.

  4. The last plague will be a devastating one, showing the power of God, and finally humbling Pharaoh to the point of doing what God wants, to redeem His people. How amazing God’s influence to grant favor for the Israelites in the Egyptian’s mind that they will plunder them without raising a sword. And when you consider the wailing that will happen in Egypt because of the death that will permeate society, what a stark difference that will happen in Israel and what a unique way to define the calm that will be there that not even a dog will bark. Yet Pharaoh ultimately has brought it on himself as is true of all who harden their hearts toward God. God is always revealing and moving, it is our choice whether we will come under His sovereign and loving hand.

  5. We see God’s wonders all around if we only look, clear evidence, like Pharaoh had witnessed, but like Pharaoh many hearts are still hard.

  6. in order for people to be dispose to give up their gold and silver, Which I believe in today’s terms, we could compare to our 401(k) retirement account, savings, etc, , and using that comparison I figured it must be Holy intervention, people just don’t give up that stuff without some Doubt , but changing their minds to give it will without complaining, that’s sounds like God got His hand in this

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