November 18, 2023
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Reading along with us in Ecclesiastes? Here’s today’s reading:
Ecclesiastes 8 (NIV)
1 Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.
Obey the King
2 Obey the king’s command, I say, because you took an oath before God.……Continue Reading
Solomon’s thought process in his view of life is one of make the best out of it. If nothing really matters anyway because there is no thought for eternity this thought process would make sense, however, we know it doesn’t take into account the salvation that comes from God.
He seems to struggles with the age old question discussed repeatedly in Job why do the evil experience blessing and the righteous turmoil and strife. A question that we all can struggle with and again apart from Christ adds to the meaningless of life idea. But again we know there is a time and season for everything and that is not random but rather directed by God with a plan and a purpose so in the difficult times we don’t question “why God?” but rather “what God?” What are you doing in this situation and how might I be used.
6For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter – reminds me to be wise about how I use my day… how I go about things according to God’s leading..instead of my own impulses..
Life certainly had more questions than answers. When we see righteous men punished and wicked men getting rewarded. Makes you wonder. We want evil to be punished immediately. Think about when we sin do we immediately get what we deserve. The wisest man that has ever lived. Solomon? Knows very little compared to God. Can’t let the unknown shadow over our joy and faith. Romans 1. God’s invisible qualities are all around us and to remember all he has done in our individual lives. Beyond overwhelming
Much of what we read can be applied to today for it doesn`t make sense in our limited thinking. It seems that the wicked often lead long and prosperous lives while the righteous often die young and are poor. In verses 11,12 [ Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days be prolonged yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before Him.] Also today people are arrested and then released almost right away so what do they do when they are released but commit more crimes. Why would we be surprised that we have more crime. It will only get worse. Just look at what is happening to the Jews. Christians do you not realize that we are next. For Satan hates the Jews and Christians. To me, this seems like we are approaching the End Times or the time before the revealing of the Anti Christ and the Rapture of the true church. In the Bible Israel will be greatly attacked from many nations and will be almost destroyed. But then Christ Jesus will fight for Israel and will defeat these nations. This is how we know that it will be well for all believers whether taken up in the Rapture before or death because we will be with Him. Get ready and put on the whole armor of God.
Ecclesiastes 8
“then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it.”
Ecclesiastes 8:17 NIV
Ecclesiastes 8
12 Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him.
“Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him. But it will not be well with the wicked; nor will he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before God.”
Ecclesiastes 8:12-13 NKJV
It is wise to follow the authorities that God has established in the various strata of society and it is wise for those in authority to follow God’s dictates as to how to be a leader, not lording it over people but using leadership for influence and service. It is wise for us to learn the proper time and procedure for every matter. And what a telling word is here for our society today, that when crime is not punished quickly (and I would add fully), then it just makes evil people emboldened. And we should follow righteousness regardless of how it is rewarded or regarded in society and just trust God for how He will work things out. And life is made fuller and healthier when we take care of responsibility and glean the reward that comes from hard work. This is another lesson that seems to be being lost in our society today.