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December 6, 2024

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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Advent 2024 – Day 6 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Life 

Read Sections 2.10 through 2.12 (pages 24-28)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. I was so struck this morning when John said “He must become more and more important and I must become less important”
    Isn’t that really the crux of it all! When we let Him really rule and reign in our life, guide our decisions and choices, and be glorified in all we do that is when people see Jesus. That is the new life and the transforming power Jesus tried to explain to Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. Choosing to believe and not reject the truth of Christ is the first step and then allowing Him to shine a light on all our dark places and transform us more and more into His image. Sounds simple but we know we constantly fight doubt, temptation, pride, and selfishness….the things that need to become less so He can become more in our lives!

  2. Nicodemus Came at night. But he came. And what a lesson he received. Changed his life forever. Born once. You die twice. Born twice, die once. Like to share that. But it’s a sobering truth. As verses 19-21 explain in John 3. The entire gospel in one verse. 3:16. Just to understand that those 20 words. Your destiny is secure. But as said verses 19-21. Spells out why people will not submit. Jesus breaks the mold once again. Shorter to travel through Samaria. Speaking to a Samaritan women. We all know. Jews hated Samaritans half breeds Great example for us in life. To break through barriers. Who cares. Souls are at stake. Living water. Spiritual living water. Where your soul will be quenched forever. The woman wants water so she doesn’t have to come to the well. Jesus continues the conversation to get her to think spiritually not physically As only God could prophesy in the way. Jesus did. Then her eyes were open.

  3. Great point Kelly. You come to a point in your Christian walk. When you realize. This life has very little to do about me. But this life is all about doing the will of our father. Being who he created us to be to bring glory to him through our spiritual gifts. People search all over the world looking for meaning of life. They don’t find it because it’s a hard concept to realize. And impossible if you are not connected by the spirit.

  4. The Life of Jesus 2.10-2.12
    “When the Messiah comes, he will explain everything to us.”
    “He is talking to you now – I am the Messiah”
    There seemed to be a general confusion over the things of God for the Israelites during this time. Even Nicodemus, a teacher and expert of the law, was confused about some of the things Jesus was talking about. Even today people’s understanding of scripture is shrouded in confusion and uncertainty.
    But praise God, who brings light to the darkness and “made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He set forth in Him, regarding His plan of the fullness of the times, to bring all things together in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the Earth. (Ephesians 6:9-10 NASB2020)

  5. I was touched by the part where it says, “the well is deep….” God reminded me that no matter how deep some circumstances of life are, that He will always be capable of drawing some water out of it.. He is the water giver and the water itself….

  6. All three sections here really speak of the same thing. Jesus came to introduce the world to a spiritual reality that came from God in heaven. We must be born into that reality by spiritual means because it is spiritual life that we need to receive. John came to point people to the One coming that would do the work to make this spiritual life possible. Now that Jesus is on the scene, He is the One who has the answers and He must become greater and John must become less, really in the same way that our flesh must become less for this spiritual life to be experienced. The samaritan woman is only understanding things in physical terms as Jesus is pointing her to a spiritual reality. That this relationship with Jesus not only brings salvation in heaven, but also spiritual life and vitality here on earth. As long as we are willing to trust Jesus and follow His ways..and worship Him in spirit and in truth. May all our eyes be more and more open to this spiritual reality.

  7. Jesus and John use the physical to explain the spiritual.
    Being born naturally vs. being born spiritually.
    The bridegroom’s friends vs. the bridegroom.
    The one who is from the earth vs. the one from heaven.
    Drinking water and getting thirsty again vs. drinking spiritual water and never thirsting.
    Worshipping in a specific location vs. worshipping in spirit and in truth.

  8. I hear people say they believe in a God, but they want nothing to do with Jesus. The Bible specifically states that Jesus is the light of the world; anyone who believes in him will be saved. I pray that everyone celebrating Christmas will come to believe this truth if they haven’t done so already. The holiday means nothing otherwise.

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