December 3, 2024
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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Advent 2024 – Day 3 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Birth and Childhood of Jesus
Read Sections 1.10 through 1.15 (pages 12-16)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
To think Joseph and Mary were the parents of the Son of God. And they still followed all the Jewish laws when a child is born. Simeon. What a prophetic truth he spoke. People would either accept him with joy. Or totally reject him. Herod the great. Really? I’m sure he named himself that. Funny how the scribes immediately state that he would be born in Bethlehem. But when they crucified him. It was only Nazareth mentioned. Politicians have not changed over the years. Where’s your backbone. Not sure if we will witness satan thrown into the lake of fire. But reading this morning someone else belongs also. Murdered his own children and several of his wives. He loved to have the reverence of people Rebuilt the temple. But also built many pagan temples. Always looking for the loyalty of people. But that was superficial Full of himself. That’s where his loyalty was.
Advent Day 3
Crazy the things we might miss if we aren’t operating in the Holy Spirit. Simeon was described as having the Holy Spirit with him and immediately recognized this baby for who He really was. He had no doubt. The wise men had this same assurance through signs and dreams and knew they should protect this child. Certainly Herrod, was not acting through the Holy Spirit but out of pride and greed for power and position. He was so threatened by the possibility of what this little child might really be that he would then cause such pain to so many by killing all those children! Simeon words immediately seen “many Jews will rise and fall because of this boy”
I am always struck by how scared Mary and Joseph must have been after seeing things like this when Jesus goes missing for 3 days! I can only imagine what they must have been thinking.
30 I have seen with my own eyes how you will save your people.
31 Now all people can see your plan.
32 He is a light to show your way to the other nations.
And he will bring honor to your people Israel.”
30 I have seen with my own eyes how you will save your people.
31 Now all people can see your plan.
32 He is a light to show your way to the other nations.
And he will bring honor to your people Israel.”
It is interesting to note the supernatural ways that God communicates to direct the events surrounding Jesus’ birth:
Angel announcements
A new star appearance and direction
A baby leaping in acknowledgement
Prophetical songs
More angel announcements
Prophesies fulfilled
I am always struck by that too, Amy. God clearly showing that He was doing something unique and significant!!!
What dedication Joseph and Mary had to the law and following its dictates and how dedicated Simeon and Anna were to the temple and the work and worship of God. What a reward for both as Simeon and Anna receive the consolation that comes knowing that God had sent Messiah and the great work that God had promised to do through Him, and Joseph and Mary are rewarded with prophecies that reenforce just who Jesus is and what they need to be prepared for. And just when they thought that was special, a time later (months?), these wisemen show up with expensive gifts talking about a star that had appeared in the sky signifying a miraculous work. They didn’t know what they would find, but knew that this One must be worthy of worship if creation (God) birthed something on His behalf. How that must have moved Joseph and Mary and how that brought danger to them due to the nature of evil in the world, but it was also the means of escaping the danger from the warnings that come about Herod’s plot. But evil is under God’s control and it will not win here when it comes to Jesus. He escapes…with funds provided in the gifts given..and yet others tragically die because that is what happens in a world corrupted by sin and pride. When the threat is over Jesus returns and grows like any other boy, but with a righteousness and wisdom that are unlike other boys. It always amazes me that Joseph and Mary lose the Son of God, but it speaks to the culture of the day and the multiple families that would travel together for camaraderie and safety…and you can imagine, hey Joseph, have you seen Jesus…oh yeah he is with his cousins…wait a minute…He’s not. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has entrusted us with His Son and we have lost Him???? How frantic there search and how quickly they must have returned. But Jesus’ point, you searched for 3 days in Jerusalem? You wouldn’t think to come to the temple first? Oh, yes there were plenty of things for Mary to ponder in her heart of Who this Son of hers is, and what he will become considering he is like this at this young age….
And what transpired gave full meaning to what was spoken through the prophets. All prophesy will be revealed in their perfect timing, past, present and future. We can be sure of this because in God’s Word, we have many examples of what he said would happen, coming to pass.