December 17, 2024
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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Advent 2024 – Day 17 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Year of Growing Opposition
Read Sections 4.1 through 4.3 (pages 67-71)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
Worth much more than many sparrows. Even the hair on your head is counted. Let that sink in. And as we go through this life. Yoked with Jesus. Remember sheep amoungst wolves. But do not fear those that can harm your body. But fear God who can kill both body and soul
The Life of Jesus 3.8 – 4.3
I was struck by the line that says God knows how many hairs I have. God knows every single, minute detail of my life. I should always remember that and trust him..
Day 17 4:1-4:3 4:1 reminds me of what a big harvest we have to bring in people to the Lord, he saw how helpless and worried people were the same they are today, they are in need of a shepherd to lead them. We are the workers.
The harvest is plentiful in our day too…but maybe more jaded, dismissive or willful…. but with how Jesus describes the rejection the disciples might face, maybe not. And you just have to love Jesus’ heart towards people and seeing how lost they are. It is interesting that Jesus asks them/us to pray to the Lord of the harvest for workers (and not so much to pray for the harvest…), but then He sends them out as if they are the answer to the prayer… And Jesus does a good job preparing them. He lets them know what they will be able to accomplish, tells them that they are not responsible for people’s response but just tells them what to do in response to their response (wise as snakes and meek as doves is good….be no one’s fool, but treat people with kindness and gentleness), and then He prepares them for the reality of opposition as well as its potential intensity. It is also interesting that Jesus clearly projects from this outreach trip to what they and other believers will face as we proclaim the gospel throughout time. They won’t face any governors now, but they will later…and so will those who come after them. But when people persecute us, we are in good company. If they came against the One who our message is about, we shouldn’t be surprised they will come against the message. Our flesh doesn’t like to be told what to do and will rebel against anything that limits its expression. And that is why the world rejects Jesus’ message and they will reject us too. And yet it is the very thing that will help. And what happens to John the Baptist is a case in point. What do you mean I can’t marry my husband’s brother? And who are you to tell me and others that I can’ I am a little embarrassed about it. Well I will get you for that…and Herod is overcome by his warped desire….and therefore John is killed. And yet our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers that are against God in the spiritual realm…
More about faith and fear.
One would think a legitimate fear would be fear of death, but God says not to fear death. When discerning Gods will, we assume that death is NOT His will, but certainly He knew that John the baptizer would be killed. That’s not how I would have written John’s story. I would have had him be one of the apostles and live a long life, but that wasn’t Gods purpose for this John (the other John did have a long life!)
Jesus says, “don’t be afraid of people.” “They can kill the body,but they cannot kill the soul.”
How often do we respond in fear, not even to preserve our lives, but due to lesser threats to our physical well-being. Either way, we should respond in faith not in fear.
Jesus certainly never promises us a rose garden! He makes it clear that we will share in His persecution when we stand with Him. However, on the flip side of that is the peace in knowing that He stands with us in it. He cares about every hair on our heads and we are looking toward an eternity with Him so we need not focus on the temporary trials of this life.
Herodias did not see that. She was worried about saving face and what people here thought and had a true man of God killed for that sake. But again it was John who will spend eternity with his Father and Herodias that will learn the hard way that a life lived without God might be filled with temporary pleasure but end in eternal pain.
Advent day 17