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December 1, 2024

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Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Advent 2024 – Day 1 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Birth and Childhood of Jesus 

Read Sections 1.1 through 1.4 (pages 5-8)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. NO BETTER TRUTH ANYWHERE!!!! You could talk for hours on the gospel of John ch 1. Every verse loaded. John truthfully points out that Jesus was fully human and fully God. The creator and sustainer of all things. Always!! And oh yeah. THE SOURCE OF ETERNAL LIFE!!!! Vs. 4and 5. Darkness will never submit to the light. And darkness will never extinguish the light. Not possible. Vs 8! We are not the true light. Jesus is. As he shines his light through us to bring light unto a dying world. Ok. Here it is. These 2 verses should be along side John3:16. Vs. 12:13. To become a child of God and receive all the riches that are in Jesus Christ we must do the following huge list of things because the blood and sacrifice of Jesus wasn’t powerful enough. Hard to even write this words. Here’s the list. BELIEVE!! Just say Jesus. Please!! I hate the darkness that covers over the hearts of people. Let’s strip the darkness away this season easy to do in z world out of control At the end of vs. 13. BORN OF GOD. HALLELUJAH!!!! John the Baptist. z Jesus said no one ever born greater than John Imagine as John was in his mothers womb. And Jesus in Mary’s womb. They met and John leaped inside his mother. Doesn’t sound like a fetus. Sounds like a living human being. And as John leaped his mothers heart was open by the Holy Spirit. And then Mary’s song. Catholics read this. There’s only one mediator between man and God. Jesus Christ who gave his life as a ransom for all. Going by memory. Timothy 2:5? Apologize for the rambling. This news is just to great for a human to comprehend. The eternal God left his throne to save us. Beyond words. Any words!!!!!!

  2. 16 Yes, the Word was full of grace and truth, and from him we all received one blessing after another.[d] 17 That is, the law was given to us through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

  3. Zechariah questions the angel.
    Mary questions the angel.
    The question of Zechariah reveals disbelief. “How can I know what you say is true?”
    The question of Mary demonstrates curiosity. “How will this happen?”
    I suppose the answer to both is a pregnancy!

  4. How amazing and yet tragic an account is given in John 1, that this God of glory, the One who was God and yet took on flesh, came to those who should have received Him, should have been waiting for Him, but they rejected Him. But to all that did receive Him, He gave the right to be children of God. Like Mark….a mind blowing, life altering reality. And what could be a better juxtaposition that shows one way to not respond to God, and another that is acceptable. Zeccharia says how is this possible..effectively I don’t believe it can happen, and let me tell you why. Mary hears an even more unbelievable truth and asks how is it going to happen? In other words, I believe, just let me know how, so I can make sure I am doing what I am supposed to do to work with you an not against you…ie, should I go looking for a husband?. God can work with both, but one is corrected and the other affirmed.

  5. From the beginning, Jesus was the light of the world, full of grace and truth. Through him we receive many blessings. He made a way for our salvation through people like Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph. He delights in working through his people to carry out his will and purpose. Let us be willing when he calls on us to be a part of his perfect plan.

  6. The amazing work of God, so unimaginable that even those involved in His plans were confused and afraid. But the angel reminds them do not be afraid because God can do anything! One woman relieved to finally have a baby but I am sure scared of what that looked like at her age and another frightened that she is a virgin and what people might think of her pregnancy. Sometimes I forget because we know how their stories end how scary this all must have been and yet God provided for them through what was likely a more stressful time than I have ever seen. Certainly a good reminder to not be afraid!

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