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December 2, 2023

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Reading along with us in our Advent readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:

Day 2 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus

The Birth and Childhood of Jesus

Read Sections 1.5 through 1.8 (pages 8-11)

This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. “I praise the Lord with all me heart
    I am very happy because He is my Savior
    I am not important
    but He has shown his care for me, His lowly servant”
    So honored to be His servant! I am so humbled by His desire to use the likes of me everyday and I can only imagine how overwhelmed Mary must have been to be such an important part of this amazing plan!

  2. Absolutely so enjoy reading this book this time of year. Reminding us. The word that was from the beginning became flesh. Came to earth that he created. To justify us. It’s that simple. But it’s beyond words

  3. All of these humble vessels God used for His glory. For they all knew of His coming to fulfill hundreds of prophecy and were eager for Him. Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph, and even Mary knew that they were only humble servants. Nothing of great importance in the world. Yes even Zechariah who was a priest didn`t think of himself more than he should for he was a servant of God to the people. And of course Mary who bore the Christ child knew that she was only the woman that God used to give birth to the Christ. God could had chosen another virgin in the same line to have the Christ Child. Mary would not have wanted anyone to worship her. That would had grieved her spirit. Joseph even though we know little about him was a godly man. In three dreams God guided Joseph; to marrying Mary, fleeing to Egypt, and returning to Nazareth. Also we know that he and Mary went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover. We also know that he was a carpenter by latter scriptures. For people would say isn`t this the carpenter`s son when speaking of Jesus. He must had been well known by the time Jesus went into public ministry. But probably died before it. We don`t really know but there is no more mention of him in scriptures. May the Lord bless you all.

  4. The miraculous nature of how God set in motion the birth of His Son and His forerunner continues, with two people giving praise to God for what these events display about Him. What a tremendous woman Mary must have been. She gets what is happening and how honored a role that she is playing and yet how undeserving she is of it. And yet all that shows just what kind of God God is. And yet 2 miracle babies circumstances are being played out here and everyone is wondering who this John is and just so they will know, Zechariah tells them. John’s life is marked by the hand of God from the get go and how powerfully he will be used to point people to his cousin. But all things that show that God is doing something unique…and all, more than fitting to prepare the world for the birth of His Son.

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