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February 18, 2025

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Reading along with us in Deuteronomy and Corinthians? Here’s today’s reading:

Deuteronomy 27 (NIV)

The Altar on Mount Ebal
1 Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people: “Keep all these commands that I give you today. 2 When you have crossed the Jordan into the land the Lord your God is giving you, set up some large stones and coat them with plaster.……Continue Reading
This Post Has 9 Comments
  1. Again how apparent is it that God knows how quickly we can forget! God has them not only set up stones to remember but also this reading of the curses from one mountain and responding with Amen to acknowledge them from the other. You can understand why so many religions hold true to so many rituals and traditions, and while the work Jesus did made it not necessary to do many of these things anymore, there is something to be said for the fact that things become too familiar or get taken for granted with time and we let ourselves forget the significance of all the ways God has accomplished His work in our lives and the lives of His people from generation to generation. We must be careful never to take for granted the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives and take time of pause, rest, and meditation to just sit and listen to God and let Him speak into our lives and remind us everyday!

    1. True, Kelly, repetition is the mother of learning, Russian proverb.
      Chapter 26 reminded Israel where they came from, and the commitment they agreed upon.

      Chapter 27 divides the tribes. One to bless, and one to curse, as they enter Jordan. Israel was called to a great calling under the law.

      We all need reminding, and repetition. -gy

  2. All these laws that God sets forth to his chosen people, you would begin to think that God is ruling with a iron in scepter, but as we have seen not following the principles of God and keeping him first causes so much chaos confusion in close to insanity. God‘s laws are for us to keep and great blessings come for following the laws that have been written on our hearts, positive consequences, but the law was weak, but the spirit is strong.

  3. “Be silent, Israel, and listen! You have now become the people of the Lord your God. Obey the Lord your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you…” And we become the Lord’s children when we believe in Jesus who takes away our sin, leads us into righteousness and gives us the free gift of eternal life. Let us make every effort to obey him, follow his commands and live our lives according to his Truth.

  4. It is interesting to me how often in Deuteronomy that Moses declares that they are to obey the commands of God. What a reflection of our tendency to forget and let familiarity with things cause us to disobey. And yet to reinforce the law and their regard of it, they were to make pillars where the law would be written and they would set it on a mountain for all to see. It made me think of ways that we could remember God and His standards as well as being thankful that we have the Holy Spirit to help us with such things. I also liked that even though this and building an altar where sacrifices were made emphasize obedience and sacrifice, the emphasis here is on fellowship offerings where there would be rejoicing in the bounty that God had given and sharing the offering with those around them. I was also struck by how many of the curses were about the treatment of people. Amongst all the things that displease God in this list, we have to remember that He cares how we treat each other, the stranger and the vulnerable.

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