December 12, 2024
Please use the comment section on this page to share insights from today’s reading OR your own personal Bible reading.
Reading along with us in our Lenten readings from “The Life of Jesus”? Here’s today’s reading:
Advent 2024 – Day 12 in the Book: “The Life of Jesus“
The Year of Popularity
Read Sections 3.29 through 3.36 (pages 48-51)
This book is an account of Jesus’ life and teachings told through in chronological order from the four Gospels to create one continuous story.
*If you do not have a copy of the book please contact the church at (401)667-0775 and we can get you a copy.
Worry. As a child of God. Waste of time!!! To be concerned. Will bring you to maybe rethink some decisions. If heaven was pulled back and a glimpse of God’s sovereignty. Worry and fear would disappear. Ask and it will be given to you. If you’re lining up with the will of God. Keep knocking. If we who are evil. Yikes!! Give good things to our children. How much more will our father give us good things. Very hard scripture to read. Narrow is the gate. And only a few will find it. My least favorite verse in scripture
Baffled that there’s not many comments on these daily readings. Nothing feeds your soul more than the words straight from our lords mind and heart. Nurturing feed from the throne of heaven for believers. To read these words as we celebrate the coming of God in flesh to the earth he created for US!!! Well. If you were the only person on earth Jesus still would have came for you. At the very least spend 15 minutes a day and let’s grow together sharing each others comments. Help each other grow closer!!
Can’t agree more, Mark!
Advent Day 12
Jesus shares two more important things here.
Worry, we are plagued by it today and yet they are superficial worries. What we eat, drink, wear (status, money, and stuff) constantly takes our focus off the one goal and that is “am I glorifying God today?” We spend time trying to acquire things, solve our own problems, and move through life alone rather than going to Him with every detail. Jesus simply says He has got you! As much as He has got every detail of the earth, He has got you!
Judgement, once we think we have gotten ourself together we immediately feel like we have the right to judge others. Jesus is saying make sure you have got your house in order before you go knocking on other’s doors. Yes we should support, speak truth to, and love each other but again it is being sure the way we go is in the Holy Spirit allowing Him to guide our actions. They will know us by our fruit, we can say much but what we show is far more indicative of our heart. Again, it is about the how and why rather than just the what of what we are doing!
You can’t add any time to your life by worrying about it. How true is this!? Cast your worries aside because our father knows what we need. Each day has its own worries . What you want most is God’s kingdom and he will give you what you need. God cares enough to make everything beautiful and will do the same for you. So cast all your worries aside and follow God. I found this to be so powerful and true. Just give it all to him and he will give us what we need!
Amen, Theresa. Good to have you join us here!
I’m enjoying the daily readings. Always want to read further!
So many of Jesus’ teachings are such common sense and yet we can find ourselves falling into those very temptations of worrying, anger, judging, fighting, being hypocritical etc….everything Jesus is teaching us not to do. Bottom line is ‘The narrow gate and the wide gate’ which differentiates the ‘Two kinds of people’. Those built on rock or those built on sand.
Worry is such a useless thing. It accomplishes nothing accept to cause harm to our minds and body. In fact, how negatively it effects us just shows how inconsistent it is for what God has for us. It is also inconsistent with knowing and beleiving a God who knows, cares and is able. And one of the most practical things that Jesus shares is the principle of looking at the log in your eye before you consider the speck of dust in someone else’s eyes. As we admit our own faults and responsibility in a situation, how much more objective we are and what objectivity we cause in others as well. And if we were to think that somehow God does not want or need to hear our prayers, Jesus makes clear God wants us to keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking. All reveal our need for God and our faith that He is the answer to the problems we face. And how wise we are to take Jesus’ words to heart and follow them. We will find stability in our lives as well as finding ourselves on the right road….and it will be our actions that show the true nature of our character and faith. It is far easier to say right things that is to do right things. That’s why we are called to be doers of the word and not hearers only. We will then have God by our side and His power available to us, that can heal, and even raise people from the dead. There no greater miracle than that.
Advent Day 12
Why worry when it does absolutely nothing positive for us? All it does is trigger fretting, dismay and anxiety. Funny thing is, when I don’t worry about a problem I sometimes think, why am I not worrying? Don’t I care about the person, thing or situation? I have to intentionally say to myself, no that’s not it. I am choosing not to take control of the situation in my mind because God will take care of it. Jesus commands us no to worry; so that is the right thing to do. I will do my part, but then I can let it go and allow the Lord to do his work. Then the burden is lifted and I have the freedom to focus on other things that God wants me to do.
Amen, Shelly!
Steve and I were laughing at the translation about the dust and the piece of wood. Sometimes reading in a different version stresses the point. “You still have that big piece of wood in your eye.”
I appreciate how when ever I am worried, verses telling me not to worry appear “coincidentally” in my reading.
Advent day 12