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January 1, 2023

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Reading along with us in selections from 1 Corinthians? Here’s today’s reading:

1 Corinthians 11 (NIV)

1 Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
On Covering the Head in Worship
2 I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you. 3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,11:3 Or of the wife is her husband and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved..........Continue Reading
This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Certainly many in our society today would consider the first part of this chapter passe, and the vast majority of the church does not follow what Paul directs here. We could make a good argument that it is not necessary for women to wear head coverings and issues of long or short hair were more cultural or not generally important as they are not mentioned anywhere else in his letters. But how our society today would be benefited by the clear distinction and appreciation found here between a man and a woman. How much have we lost through the authority of a man over a woman being compromised in our world? One cannot help but think of the abuses that have happened through the centuries of men taking this too far and taking advantage of women or belittling them in their minds and practice. But am I too bold to say, that we have lost something in what makes a man a man and a woman a woman in having the pendulum swing the other way where adhering to the principles found in this chapter about authority have become as passe as what it says about coverings and hair? Let’s not pass over that too quickly and recognize issues of authority between men and woman are found in many passages of scripture. So we must ask ourselves just what do we believe and is it more important what society says or what God says?

    And how important it is that we regard each other in the process of growing in truth and if there is any time our love for each other and unity should be expressed, it is in the Lord’s supper. And yet the Corinthians were doing more to reveal their economic differences in it, rather than their unity as the body of Christ. And yet, we not only bring a right attitude toward our fellow believers in communion, but also a right attitude toward Christ. We should make sure our union with Him is spiritual and not just in the elements and that our lives are in harmony with Him as well. After all, that is what communion with Him is all about, yes?

  2. I hear what Pastor is saying and agree. We are truly a world out of balance and it is unfortunate that many men have not respected their role and the integrity they should have in it. I am not saying that woman gets off free and clear at all but it is hard to stand under a man that hurts, abuses, misuses you and still feel like its God’s will for your life. But God never promised a rose garden either and here is growth and instruction that comes from the difficult situations we face.

    I guess if we consider the second half of the chapter where we look at the sacrifice Christ made for us, the difficulties, pain, and suffering He endured for us and keep ourselves right with Him and let Him take care of the rest we can start to restore that balance or at least find His peace in a difficult situation.

  3. I have many of the same thoughts, Pastor, about men’s and women’s roles. I think much of what God put in place in scripture was for our good.

    I think of our whole society with women working outside the home has made women and children more vulnerable to the devil’s schemes. I was reading/listening about the establishment of Marxism and socialism and one of the things they did was to push feminism under the guise of “women’s rights.” why? So that they could tax the income of both men and women and take over the education and upbringing of the children, to have a society beholden to the government. How can you have a one-world government if families can provide for themselves in their own community?

    Mike Winger did a 6 hour video on this very topic…..I haven’t watched it yet.

    When I think of how the Corinthians handled communion, it’s just “free food!” and they are forgetting the purpose of its celebration. “To proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

    1. I probably skipped over this as being brought up Catholic I always thought that head covering meant you should wear a hat. Because we did back then. Not sure how I missed that. Have nothing to add that Kelly and Pastor have addressed.

  4. When it is understood that the man is the final decision maker for the family, there is less hostility and more peace in the household. With regards to communion, the passage helped me understand how important it is to take it seriously when we participate in the Lords Supper. To take the time to reflect upon how Jesus suffered for us, and to repent of our sin before eating and drinking. We must partake in it in a worthy manner.

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