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Christmas Eve Worship at LHCC

Were you unable to join us last night for our Christmas Eve worship service? We’re grateful to be able to share this special evening with you at Living Hope Christian Church.

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 12/24/17
Title: Christmas Eve Worship at LHCC
Scriptures: Isaiah 40:1-11; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 1:46-55; Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-25




Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

Why Did Jesus Become Flesh?

Why did Jesus Christ come to us in the flesh? Listen in as Pastor Peter Atkin shares the great value God found in sending Jesus into the world to be born and live as “one of us.”

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 12/24/17
Title: Why Did Jesus Become Flesh?
Scriptures: Hebrews 4:14-16; Philippians 2:6-7; John 1:1-18; Hebrews 2:14-18



Praise and Worship:
Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums), Mike Silvia (Guitar, Lead Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Donna Morra (Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals)

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus

Have you ever looked closely at the men and women named in the genealogy of Jesus, as recorded by Matthew in his gospel? There is much to be learned there! Listen in this morning as Pastor Peter Atkin points out several remarkable aspects of what Matthew chose to share. What do these names tell us about Jesus?

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 12/17/17
Title: Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus
Scriptures: Matthew 1:1-17



Praise and Worship:
Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums), Mike Silvia (Guitar, Lead Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Donna Morra (Vocals), Lnda Leslie (Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals)

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

The Book of Romans (Part 6)

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

Are you ashamed — or even afraid — to share the gospel? Listen in this morning as Pastor Peter continues his sermon series on the book of Romans.

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 12/10/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Book of Romans
Title: The Book of Romans – Sermon Series on Romans (Pt. 6)
Scriptures: Romans 1:16; Matthew 10:32-33



Praise and Worship:
Mike Silvia (Guitar, Lead Vocals), Alfonso Reid (Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

The Book of Romans (Part 5)

Pastor Peter Atkin – Living Hope Christian Church
Date: 12/03/17
Series: Sermon Series: The Book of Romans
Title: The Book of Romans – Sermon Series on Romans (Pt. 5)
Scriptures: Romans 1:8



Praise and Worship:
Mike Silvia (Guitar, Lead Vocals), Donna Morra (Vocals), Becky Blanchette (Vocals), Gary Leslie (Bass Guitar, Vocals), Bob Morra (Guitar, Vocals), Charlie Ryan (Drums)

Living Hope Christian Church North Kingstown, RI

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