A Word from Pastor: Psalm 23 (part 3)
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/30/2020
Title: A Word from Pastor: Psalm 23 (Part 3)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/30/2020
Title: A Word from Pastor: Psalm 23 (Part 3)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/29/2020
Title: A Word from Pastor: Psalm 23 (Part 2)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/28/2020
Title: A Word from Pastor: Psalm 23 (Part 1)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/26/2020
Title: Romans 10 (Part 4) / Romans 11 (Part 1)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)
Listen to Pastor Peter’s Sermon:
Pastor Peter Atkin
Date: 04/24/2020
Title: A Word from Pastor: The Story of Naaman (Part 8)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)