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Book of Joshua (part 32) -Subduing the Land and the Allotments to the Tribe

Pastor Peter Atkin
Title: Book of Joshua (part 32) – Subduing the Land and the Allotments to the Tribe: How God overcomes the nations and grants His people an inheritance
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)

Book of Joshua (part 31) – What it takes to face the world and live the Christian life

Pastor Peter Atkin
Title: Book of Joshua (part 31) – What it takes to face the world and live the Christian life
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)

Book of Joshua (part 30) – What it takes to face the world and live the Christian life

Pastor Peter Atkin
Title: Book of Joshua (part 30) – What it takes to face the world and live the Christian life
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)

        • Listen to Pastor Peter’s Sermon:

Book of Joshua (part 29) – The Nature of Opposition (Direct or Indirect Attack)

Pastor Peter Atkin
Title: Book of Joshua (part 29) – The Nature of Opposition (Direct or Indirect Attack)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)

          • Pastor Peter’s notes are integrated into the video for this sermon.
          • Joshua 10:7-25

          Listen to Pastor Peter’s Sermon:

Book of Joshua (part 28) – The Nature of Opposition (Direct or Indirect Attack)

Pastor Peter Atkin
Title: Book of Joshua (part 28) – The Nature of Opposition (Direct or Indirect Attack)
Scriptures: (see below, all scripture references are taken from NIV unless otherwise noted)

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