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April 1, 2022

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Reading along with us in Isaiah? Here’s today’s reading:

Isaiah 65 (NIV)

Judgment and Salvation
1 “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me;
I was found by those who did not seek me.
To a nation that did not call on my name,
I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’
2 All day long I have held out my hands
to an obstinate people,
who walk in ways not good,
pursuing their own imaginations—
3 a people who continually provoke me
to my very face,
offering sacrifices in gardens
and burning incense on altars of brick;.........Continue Reading

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This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Again God reminds us that He knows our heart…God knows when people say they are seeking Him and look the part but are just going through the motions. He also knows the hearts of the Gentile, those who may not look the part but they hear His word and believe. The picture of grapes on a vine that still have juice shows us that He finds the good even among the bad. God will bless His true servants and judge the false servants.

  2. God reached out to the Jews even though they didn’t ask for Him. He sought to bless and lead, but they proved unwilling to follow. God was always patient with them, calling them back to Him, but He warns through prophets like Isaiah, that at some point the jig is up. Judgement must come because God must curse disobedience as much as He blesses obedience. And the Jews (and us) must not misunderstand His patience and grace. But that also doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a heart for His people. He also knows that there are those amongst the Jews that are faithful. And so God makes clear here that, in the midst of judging the unfaithful, He offers hope and blessing for the faithful. Part of the blessing will happen in their present and some will be the far future. God had always set Jesus’ millennial reign before His people as the ultimate consolation, the time when He will make all things right and turn the table on the way the world usually works. And it will be the time when the faithful are rewarded because the nature of how things will be will be about righteousness. May we be found amongst the faithful even as we cling to the salvation offered in Jesus, and live for Him and through Him today, even as we wait for the time when His kingdom will be on the earth. May that be our consolation even as we see the world falling apart in unrighteousness.

  3. God went to the Jews and chose them.
    They worshiped idols and burned incense and sacrifices to them.
    They even say, ‘Keep to yourself,
    Do not come near me,
    For I am holier than you!’

    I found this shocking, but it is so true. There are now those who think that their sinful actions are more holy or righteous than God’s! There are so many things that God values that man has declared evil or worthless.
    God tells us to populate the earth.
    Man says we are ruining the earth therefore abort your children.
    God says to get married.
    Man says fornicate with whomever you like.
    God says sacrifice bulls and goats.
    Man says worship the bull or goat.
    God says worship me.
    Man says there are many gods.

    Thankful that God spares the cluster for the few good grapes!
    As the new wine is found in the cluster,
    And one says, ‘Do not destroy it,
    For a blessing is in it,’
    So will I do for My servants’ sake,
    That I may not destroy them all.

    “You shall leave your name as a curse to My chosen;
    For the Lord God will slay you,
    And call His servants by another name;”
    There’s that new name again. I wonder what it will be.

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